When did you/ do you plan to stop BF & why?

loz said:
Also people keep reminding me of Little Brittain's 'Bitty'!!!!!!! :rotfl:

sorry hon, this isn't in response to you, but to society's attitude in general. i HATE it when its assume that i'll stop bf-ing connor because he's older now, and i've had the same 'bitty' comment made to me. it makes me soooo angry :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

why would i want to stop feeding my baby with something natural, wonderful and free, just because he's beyond 6 months, and give him something manufactured and expensive instead? then when he reaches the age of 1 i'll be under even more pressure to quit because he'll be able to drink milk from an entirely different species instead.

society's attitude to extended breastfeeding really sucks. it saddens me that breasts just seem to be for ogling at on page 3 of the sun and that its somehow disgusting to feed an older baby. don't get me wrong, i don't want connor hanging off my tits at the age of 6 - i don't really want him to feed past the age of 2. but i certainly won't be quitting early just because of the crappy attitude towards breastfeeding in this country, if anything, it just makes me more militant :twisted: :wink: :lol: :lol:
purple13 said:
loz said:
Also people keep reminding me of Little Brittain's 'Bitty'!!!!!!! :rotfl:

sorry hon, this isn't in response to you, but to society's attitude in general. i HATE it when its assume that i'll stop bf-ing connor because he's older now, and i've had the same 'bitty' comment made to me. it makes me soooo angry :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

why would i want to stop feeding my baby with something natural, wonderful and free, just because he's beyond 6 months, and give him something manufactured and expensive instead? then when he reaches the age of 1 i'll be under even more pressure to quit because he'll be able to drink milk from an entirely different species instead.

society's attitude to extended breastfeeding really sucks. it saddens me that breasts just seem to be for ogling at on page 3 of the sun and that its somehow disgusting to feed an older baby. don't get me wrong, i don't want connor hanging off my tits at the age of 6 - i don't really want him to feed past the age of 2. but i certainly won't be quitting early just because of the crappy attitude towards breastfeeding in this country, if anything, it just makes me more militant :twisted: :wink: :lol: :lol:

:clap: :clap: :clap: well said Purple13. I love feeding lil miss... and she loves feeding... why mess with something that isn't broke...
loz said:
Also people keep reminding me of Little Brittain's 'Bitty'!!!!!!! :rotfl:

I hate that too! Lol. Gives me the creeps when people call it Bitty!

I originally only planned on 2 weeks as i really didn't wanna do it! Then 6 months. I wish she'd take bottles, expressed milk, but she won't. I've been invited out for the first time in almost a year and i just cannot go.
LisaJ1986 said:
loz said:
Also people keep reminding me of Little Brittain's 'Bitty'!!!!!!! :rotfl:

I hate that too! Lol. Gives me the creeps when people call it Bitty!

I originally only planned on 2 weeks as i really didn't wanna do it! Then 6 months. I wish she'd take bottles, expressed milk, but she won't. I've been invited out for the first time in almost a year and i just cannot go.

I went back to work when lil miss was just 5 months old... She'd never take bottles and only drink a tiny bit of milk from cups so she'd store everything up for when I came home and just FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED... maybe you could do the same. If she is eating solids and you feed her when you are there...going out for a few hours won't be too much of an issue :) Even if it does entail her screaming the house down till she falls asleep :lol:
Squiglet said:
LisaJ1986 said:
loz said:
Also people keep reminding me of Little Brittain's 'Bitty'!!!!!!! :rotfl:

I hate that too! Lol. Gives me the creeps when people call it Bitty!

I originally only planned on 2 weeks as i really didn't wanna do it! Then 6 months. I wish she'd take bottles, expressed milk, but she won't. I've been invited out for the first time in almost a year and i just cannot go.

I went back to work when lil miss was just 5 months old... She'd never take bottles and only drink a tiny bit of milk from cups so she'd store everything up for when I came home and just FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED... maybe you could do the same. If she is eating solids and you feed her when you are there...going out for a few hours won't be too much of an issue :) Even if it does entail her screaming the house down till she falls asleep :lol:

Won't be my problem if she does scream, she'll be with OH!!! Lol. I'm gonna think about it. Money is tight so may not go. But yeah i'll probably fill her up before i go and when i get back.
purple13 said:
loz said:
Also people keep reminding me of Little Brittain's 'Bitty'!!!!!!! :rotfl:

sorry hon, this isn't in response to you, but to society's attitude in general. i HATE it when its assume that i'll stop bf-ing connor because he's older now, and i've had the same 'bitty' comment made to me. it makes me soooo angry :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

why would i want to stop feeding my baby with something natural, wonderful and free, just because he's beyond 6 months, and give him something manufactured and expensive instead? then when he reaches the age of 1 i'll be under even more pressure to quit because he'll be able to drink milk from an entirely different species instead.

society's attitude to extended breastfeeding really sucks. it saddens me that breasts just seem to be for ogling at on page 3 of the sun and that its somehow disgusting to feed an older baby. don't get me wrong, i don't want connor hanging off my tits at the age of 6 - i don't really want him to feed past the age of 2. but i certainly won't be quitting early just because of the crappy attitude towards breastfeeding in this country, if anything, it just makes me more militant :twisted: :wink: :lol: :lol:

:clap: I totally agree.. my sis was around the other day when i was feeding Coop, she asked when i was going to stop feeding him and i said not any time soon prob when he self weans around 18mth which she replied that if he gets too old then she can not be around us when i'm feeding him! WTF! What is the problem!.. i'm feeding my son FFS!
I hate the way people look at you because you are STILL feeding :roll: f*ck em tho, if they dont like it its tough crap cos i'm feeding my daughter whether they like it or not :D I have always felt like the minority cos I breastfeed and most tend to bottle feed in the people that I know.

I wonder why its considered 'wrong' to breastfeed past about 6 months, it drives me mad! :twisted:
happy_chick said:
I hate the way people look at you because you are STILL feeding :roll: f*ck em tho, if they dont like it its tough crap cos i'm feeding my daughter whether they like it or not :D I have always felt like the minority cos I breastfeed and most tend to bottle feed in the people that I know.

I wonder why its considered 'wrong' to breastfeed past about 6 months, it drives me mad! :twisted:

From what I have been told (MIL and other people) that there is no nutritional value in breastmilk past 6 months... but it makes you wonder whats so special about follow on milk then...? If bm is no longer nutritious past 6 months, what happened to babies before formula? well they must have been put on cows milk, but thats not nutritious either :rotfl: I'll never understand something that is manufactured in a factories can be something nature intended... you only need to look at the milk scandal in China to see that... I find it ironic that breastmilk is pure gold till 6 months and formula is poison then all of a sudden, breastmilk becomes the poison and formula becomes pure gold :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Don't worry HC I always feel in the minority and we are... only 3% of UK mothers breastfeed into the 9th month . The UK has the poorest rates of breastfeeding in the world :(
We stopped Lydia at 3 months because of medical reasons (I got gastroenteritis and was too ill to feed her, and when I got over that, she refused to breastfeed afterwards because she had gotten used to the formula).

Alex is still breastfeeding. I had intended to bf only for 12 months, but he's so attached to it....we haven't stopped yet lol. He would be very upset if it stopped lol.
I don't mind carrying on until 2, but I really don't want to go past that. I don't want to co-sleep past that either because he keeps hogging the bed and I end up on the very edge. I want to be able to spread out. So I think 2 years is enough on both counts lol.
edit: plus the WHO has said that there are health benefits when you breastfeed up to the age of 2, so that seems good enough for me :)
Ellie stopped breast feeding at 20 months. We had been down to just a feed before bed for quite a while, then that turned to just a couple of sucks, then she didn't even indicate she wanted to so I didn't offer. She was ready to stop.
purple13 said:
loz said:
Also people keep reminding me of Little Brittain's 'Bitty'!!!!!!! :rotfl:

sorry hon, this isn't in response to you, but to society's attitude in general. i HATE it when its assume that i'll stop bf-ing connor because he's older now, and i've had the same 'bitty' comment made to me. it makes me soooo angry :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

why would i want to stop feeding my baby with something natural, wonderful and free, just because he's beyond 6 months, and give him something manufactured and expensive instead? then when he reaches the age of 1 i'll be under even more pressure to quit because he'll be able to drink milk from an entirely different species instead.

society's attitude to extended breastfeeding really sucks. it saddens me that breasts just seem to be for ogling at on page 3 of the sun and that its somehow disgusting to feed an older baby. don't get me wrong, i don't want connor hanging off my tits at the age of 6 - i don't really want him to feed past the age of 2. but i certainly won't be quitting early just because of the crappy attitude towards breastfeeding in this country, if anything, it just makes me more militant :twisted: :wink: :lol: :lol:

No offence intended - I totally agree with you - it just makes me smile :D
Its really interesting to see what other people intend to do and what other people have done, I hope everyone manages to fulfil their goals & continue to breastdfeed if thats what they want :D This post has made me feel alot more confident that I will know when the right time to stop is and not feel pressured by society! Thanks everyone for your input, keep em coming :D x
purple13 said:
loz said:
Also people keep reminding me of Little Brittain's 'Bitty'!!!!!!! :rotfl:

sorry hon, this isn't in response to you, but to society's attitude in general. i HATE it when its assume that i'll stop bf-ing connor because he's older now, and i've had the same 'bitty' comment made to me. it makes me soooo angry :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

why would i want to stop feeding my baby with something natural, wonderful and free, just because he's beyond 6 months, and give him something manufactured and expensive instead? then when he reaches the age of 1 i'll be under even more pressure to quit because he'll be able to drink milk from an entirely different species instead.

society's attitude to extended breastfeeding really sucks. it saddens me that breasts just seem to be for ogling at on page 3 of the sun and that its somehow disgusting to feed an older baby. don't get me wrong, i don't want connor hanging off my tits at the age of 6 - i don't really want him to feed past the age of 2. but i certainly won't be quitting early just because of the crappy attitude towards breastfeeding in this country, if anything, it just makes me more militant :twisted: :wink: :lol: :lol:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

My favourite is "if you feed your baby past a certain age,it's child abuse"

:doh: :doh: :doh:
I exclusively bf for 5 months and now I just feed her once during the night or early morning. I plan to do that untill she self weans :)

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