when did you all start feeling baby....

Flutters started about 16 weeks, I feel firm pops low down now 2or 3 times a day - not sure if baby or still wind !!!
Wow, everyone seems to have got movement so early, I have anterior placenta but I'm STILL only getting flutters, no definite movement yet. *sadface
I just got told my placenta was high. Which way does that mean?
Wow, everyone seems to have got movement so early, I have anterior placenta but I'm STILL only getting flutters, no definite movement yet. *sadface

Sickening isn't it hun!! At least you're getting flutters, I'm yet to get those? Xx
Everyone's different and every baby's different. I felt movement much earlier with my first than I have this time round. Was so excited when mw suggested I could feel something between 12-14 weeks because it was my second, but didn't feel anything for ages. I've finally started to get proper kicking sensations in the last couple of weeks (am 22 weeks now).
Flutters at 15/16 weeks.
Little kicks at 18 weeks.
Now I can feel her giving a big kick/punch at 21+4, I can feel her by touch and I can also see her moving! :) xxx
14 weeks felt very slight flutters, then nothing for a week or so and now 16 weeks get flutters now and again, little bubbles popping
I am getting flutters, but no kicks yet.

Looking forward to that.
I can't remember with my first but I was 15 weeks this time round. As the ladies said above I'd agree about it feeling like a fish! Lol xx
I think i felt the first flutters at around 16 weeksish - now at 20 weeks it feels like bubbles popping in my tummy and sometimes like someone is poking or flicking me from inside if that makes sense?! Lol, xx
I started to get what felt like muscle twinges just after 20 weeks. Now its more like proper kicks and I'm starting to see a pattern of what times baby likes to move around during the day. Last night for the first time, my belly moved when baby kicked. It's such a weird feeling!
Ekkkk thanks everyone im so excited but also cant even imagine how its guna feel sounds so weird.

Michelle. x
Can't believe you're 14 weeks now! Have you got a little bump yet? X
Yes i have blueflower, just a small one but defo a bump!! and i love it lol cant wait for it to be bigger.

Michelle. x
I started feeling my baby girl at 15-16 weeks :)xxx

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