When did symptoms start to show? **UPDATE:HELP!!**


Oct 23, 2006
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Just wondering if everyone could post their early symptoms and when they started.

I am just curious because I have been feeling a bit strange recently. If I am pregnant, it can only be a week at the most but I am feeling strange feelings im my stomach that feel like very light period pains. I am also feeling dizzy and very sleepy I didnt think symptoms could appear this early. (I have also had quite abit more discharge than usual which has got me convinced that I am starting AF 1 and a half weeks early!)
welcome to the forum :wave:

started to get symptoms around when af was due, maybe a few days before, first symptom was thrush, was sensitive to taste and smell, then sickenss and tiredness kicked in about a week after i got my bfp. x
Mine was unplanned, but my first symptom was, I just knew I was :D

I didnt feel the same and I knew something was different in my body, and as soon as I tested I was sick lol :D
I'd only been trying for a month so wasn't expecting to be pregnant & hadn't tested. I started throwing up at what turned out to be 6 weeks.

I only noticed other symptoms after I got my bfp.
I found out at 3 weeks, I tested cos my boobs were sore. I felt a bit sick but my symptoms have just got worse over the past week and Im 6 and a half now xx
I first started with sore boobs and felt a bit sick about 2 weeks before my af was due. Then missed my AF a took the test 6 days later, im now 7 weeks gone.
Had af cramps and felt pretty normal - just like af was due. Then I was 2 days late (quite unusual for me) but thought I'd just worked myself up with ttc, so waited until 3 days late and tested - very surprised to see that line! Looking back, I went off coffee before I got BFP.

Now I feel sick all the time and everything smells vile. I'm sure I'll never drink tea or coffee again. :puke:

Good luck x
Hi, I found out today That I am pregnant...Period due today and I have done loads of tests and they are all positive!!!!!
I had an idea because my breasts have been really tender for over a week and I have been feeling a bubble bursting sensation in my stomach and slight cramps. Went to see my Gp this aft and was confirmed pregnant.
This is my second pregnancy, last one was 13 years ago....

Thankyou for the replies!

I have now got very sore bbs-they feel bruised and it hurts to touch them.
I am also getting goose pimpley loking things on my areola and I have heard that this is also a symptom.
Am I worrying about nothing??????
Emilyanita said:
I have now got very sore bbs-they feel bruised and it hurts to touch them.

I wasn't TTC and I am useless on my cycles so I didn't notice anything until probably 5 days after AF was due, those symptoms you mentioned were exactly what made me buy the HPT.

Good luck.

Didnt feel myself and had cramps since a few days before af was due. Then the day af was due my nipples hurt while feeding Kiara and felt really bloated and kinda nausious, so i tested and got a BFP.
Following that day i now have headaches, and am extremely tired.
Good Luck.
I am prob. worrying over nothing. I dont have any reason to believe I am pregnant, except I just really 'feel' pregnant. I have so many symptoms but have never had un-protected sex.

Am I being silly??? I now have a strange (constant) bubbley feeling in my stomach now too. I made chocolate brownies with my friend today (usually my favorite) but the thought of eating them made me feel SO sick. (I am feeling ill while writing about them! lol)

If I am pregnant then I will have very mixed feelings. I am only 18 and am currently re-doing my a-levels. If I was pregnant I would prob have to quit my course :( so It would be MUCH more practical if I waited 3 or 4 years! I am also living at home still. It would make things difficult.

I KNOW I am over-worrying and I am sorry if I am just babbeling for nothing but I just needed a way to get all my doubts/feelings out. (I love this forum!)
Hi Hun.

When are you due for af i would wait till then before stressing yourself over it , i knwo easier said then done. I hope everything works out for you and whatever you outcome you want you get.
I was also 18 when i fell pregnant with my first .
God the waiting is killing me! I am up all night trying to switch my brain off but I can't stop thinking about it :wall: .
My boyfreind said I should stop worrying because if Im not pregnant, everything will go back to normal and if i am, we will work everything out together. It really helps to know he is so supportive of me :D .

I have another 4 days to go till AF is due... can I test now??
I tested 5 days early and had a feint line. Any line no matter how feint will be a positive... Go for it and put yourself out of this misery. Thinking about you.

I started feeling sicky before my AF was due and something just told me i was (3rd pregnacy after all )

I would do a test to put your mind at rest hun, you can get somethat show before AF is due, not sure which ones though

Someone else can prob advice better on that score

Good luck and i hope you get the result you want :hug:
I tested tonight. I had bought these little test strips that you have to dip in your urine. They are early ones but were very cheap. I dipped the stick past the 'MAX' line on the test. The instructions told me not to but the stick slipped. The stick sucked all the urine up really quickly and the whole bit at the top of the stick was pink with a darker line at the top. I tink I messed it up! :doh:

I am going to wait until friday morning to test again so its morning wee and so its not too soon before AF is due.
Glad I'm not the only one that couldn't wait to test :rotfl:

Hubbies making sure I wait until Monday at earliest then the 10th tho - he's hidden them from me. :wall:

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