WHEN can I start buying baby things?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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I know you're not allowed (well..... superstision bodes..) not to buy things before the 3 months...
But I thought that there was also something about not buying something before 6 months..?

Any ideas?

buy things whenever you want hon!

i only just started about 3 weeks ago, but now i'm just slowly accumulating things cos i don't want to have to spend lots of money all at once.

haven't heard any superstitions about 6 months, although i know some people prefer to wait til after the anomaly scan.

i started right away.. doesnt matter what other people think bugger them.
what you buy has absolutely nothing to do with what happens inside your body so get shopping :D
Best I get shopping then!

Woooohooooooo :dance:
Kimbo said:
what you buy has absolutely nothing to do with what happens inside your body so get shopping :D

LOL :lol: :lol:

i bought my first item this week, a tigger babygro.....but i still feel like a fraud!!!
My mum bought the 1st babygro at around 5weeks! lol!

We started buying around the 12 week mark.
Im waiting to find out the sex before buying any clothes and things as i want them pink or blue.

I have got the sterilliser and breast pump tho as they were on special offer at Tesco.

You buy when you want and enjoy.
Yeah, definitely each to their own. We haven't bought a single baby thing yet as we promised ourselves that we would wait til our 20 week scan which is tomorrow. So.. our plan is to go to the scan, find out all is super-duper then go off and make our first purchases for this little one! It'll only be a couple of outfits and vests etc for now but we will start looking at cots and stuff over the weekend but not buy any til we're about 6 months :D
I have bought the first thing today...I got a travel cot for when my 4 month old neice comes to stay next weekend, but we are going to use it for our little one too....so technically, it is his or her first purchase :cheer:

We are going to wait until after Christmas to buy anything else, although we plan to strip the spare room next month in prep for Nursey decorating!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
We started buying straight away. I had a miscarriage in July, and we hadn't bought anything for that baby. This time we thought if we buy stuff straight away then it might make this bean stay. Odd I know but it seemed like the right thing to do.

Also I think it's easier to spread the cost of things over the months than spend a fortune at once.
With DD I didn't buy anything until 26 weeks as that is the age of 'viability' but this time I said I would start shopping after my 20 week scan. So mothercare here I come :lol:

I remember reading a magazine shortly after having my daughter and it said something along the lines of:
If, god forbid, anything did happen to your baby, it won't make you grieve any less not having any of the paraphenalia around. If anything it will show you just how loved your baby was, even before it was born.

This really struck a chord with me, and I think if something were to happen, I would like to have a few things that I bought specifically for my baby to keep as memories.
I bought a few babygros when I was 10 weeks, I coouldn't wait, now we are over 12 weeks we have odered some nursery funiture and I have moved my daughter in with my other daughter so that I can start on the Nursery!!!!

Yay :dance:
LOL ask manda this question :wink:

Ive bought some bits already hun and there was no stopping my Mum @ about 6 weeks!! I think buying a pack of nappies each week is a brill idea so you're prepared for when LO comes so I have a few of these already too


im expecting to move into our new house sometime around Christmas so I'm going to wait til then before I really start to buy stuff so I don't have to pack it all up and move it! One less box to try and carry anyway!

I have bougth a set of sleepsuits in pink, they were too cute to leave unbought and will make a lovely gift for somebody else If I happen to have a boy :rotfl:
All I've bought so far is a changing bag that was a bargain (£24.99 reduced to £10). Trying to hold off for the January sales in the hope I can get a really nice pram cheap.
Already made a list of what I need though. Very active internet window shopper me :lol:

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