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When are you telling people?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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I can't decide when to tell my work this time. We told all our family over the weekend (parents, brothers and sisters) but have asked them all to keep it a secret. We have 4 really close friends coming round for dinner on Saturday night so we are going to tell them then but not tell the rest of our friends until 12 weeks.

I'm torn as to when to tell my work. I'm dreading it though as I don't think they'll be very happy but tough really!! LOL. With my first pg I didn't want to tell them until I was 12 weeks but ended up rushing off to A&E and the Dr's with bleeding at around 6/7 weeks if my memory serves me correctly so one of the girls I work with ended up telling my boss as I just rushed off. I sadly ended up losing that baby. The next time I got pg, I told my boss the day after I found out so that if anything happened again he would know and not hear it from someone else.

What are you all planing to do/have you done?

I felt bad going off for my bloods last week in work time and felt like he suspected already!!
Hi hunny
Im not sure when we are going to tell anyone.
When i was pregnant with Adam we told everyone straight away but when I was pregnant with my angel we told only family at 9 weeks then after my 12 week scan then we told everyone so quite alot of people know about my mmc and im wondering whether they are expecting its going to happen and whether they are going to be looking for signs! x x


I've got a massive big fat gob and just blurted it to most of my friends, close work friends, and family.

I told my boss because unfortunately I've been really sick and weak , so I haven't been at work for the past 3 weeks.

I had a termination in September so I think I gelt quite guilty about that, so by telling everyone really early, was like some form of therapy.

I think it's up to you, I know people say you shouldn't say anything too early, but who cares do what's right for you!

My plan is to have an early scan at 9/10 weeks and then tell family and close friends at 11 weeks. We're moving to the other side of the world before we have our 12 week scan so all going well I want to give everyone I care about the good news to their faces instead of by email, text or skype

Work for myself, so didn't have to worry about telling a boss.
Family were told almost straight away, we were planning on waiting until start of Tri 2, but ended up telling people ourselves as MIL was telling anyone who would listen despite us asking her to keep it to herself, we figured if people were going to find out, it was best coming from us rather than her.
Hhhmmm, this is a toughie. I always wanted to wait until week 12 to tell my family and friends but am finding it sooooo difficult. My best friend knows (I trust her to keep it quiet) and my boss knows as I've needed time off for scans, etc.

My Mum has been very poorly lately and my sister had two threatened miscarriages about two weeks ago which totally stressed my Mum out and made her more ill so really don't want to worry them until I know that baby is okay at our next scan. But the waiting is killing me. Time is just dragging now...
P.S. vexcited, we are also moving in the next few months but probably only after my 12 week scan. Where are you headed?
we have told loads of people...some by accident and others because my OH was just too excited and told everyone...ha ha

i figure if something goes wrong, i would tell people anyway cos im just like that......but fingers crossed nothing going to go wrong...

very tighly crossed....so far so good..xxx
I have told my 2 sisters and a couple of friends just because it makes it easier to keep it a secret from everyone else if you have at least 1 or 2 people that know and you can talk to about it. I will be 12 weeks next week so going to tell family and work then! Cant wait for everyone to knwo think it will make it all so much realer (if thats a word) lol.

Good luck whenever you do decide to do it.

yeah, know what you mean....while not everyone knows its like im not pregnant.....i want fussed over!! lol xx
we have only told my parents as we kind of had to as my mum is a nurse and I need to have daily fragmin injections through the whole pregnancy and she is the only one I trust to give me them, and we've told my oh's parents as we didn't think it fair mine knew and they didn't, and that is it until the 12 week scan. It's been torture keeping it quiet especially juggling all the lies round morning sickness!! What is stopping me telling sooner is my mum and sis both have had mc's so I'm being very cautious, and my sil is due to give birth herself next week so we don't want to steal her thunder lol!! Work is a tricky one at the mo as I'm trying to get a job in a different dept so I'm not telling them until I know that is safe and officially mine!!!! I can't wait until 12 weeks and people know so I can be fussed over!!!
with my last pregnancy (which sadly ended in a MMC at nearly 11wks) we were so excited and although we didn't intend to at first ended up telling practically everyone. This time we're being extra cautious although it's difficult as most people now know we're trying due to previous MC. OH's brother's gfriend actually asked me the the other day how we were getting on TTC so I had to tell a blatent lie :oooo: Have told my mum & dad and 2 best friends, going to try and wait until 12 weeks before announcing to everyone else although having a reassurance scan at 7.5 weeks so may tell OH's family then (he has a big family so once you tell one member you have to tell them all!) x x
So far I've told my best friend and 3 girls at work (they found me crying after the first spotting incident, I'd just come back from having the blood tests done and was all in a panic then this other girl at work had a go at me for something completely unrelated and I just had a meltdown at my desk).
On Saturday we told our 2 closest friends as they were invited for dinner and I just couldn't lie anymore about why I wasn't drinking/smoking/eating the special salami they'd brought round and making them smoke on our balcony!
No one else has the faintest idea. I seriously can't wait to tell the world, but won't until after the 12 week scan.
OH told his "boss" yesterday not really a boss but the leader of our council (yes, OH is a local politician, don't hate me for it) because it may have an impact on his availability for important meetings later in the year, this morning a HUUUUUUGGGGGE bunch of flowers showed up at the door, could hardly see the person holding them. Felt very special and pampered, now after finishing my housework, not feeling quite so special
OH told his "boss" yesterday not really a boss but the leader of our council (yes, OH is a local politician, don't hate me for it) because it may have an impact on his availability for important meetings later in the year, this morning a HUUUUUUGGGGGE bunch of flowers showed up at the door, could hardly see the person holding them. Felt very special and pampered, now after finishing my housework, not feeling quite so special

Awww, thats so sweet :)
we told my parents and the inlaws a couple of days after we found out (6 weeks ish), also told our closest friends about the same time

i didnt have to tell work as I work for the family business so telling mum and dad was all that was needed lol

as for everyone else, we still havent really 'announced' it.....keep thinking of putting something on facebook but then I change my mind lol, I think after our 20 week scan I will do tho :) I think most people know, its just the sort of friends of friends type people that we havent 'told'
As soon as I've had my 12 week scan (11th March!) I'll be shouting it from the roof tops, I can't wait! We've told our close family & friends, but it's getting harder & harder to hide it now, since I was quite sociable & liked a drink before, I'm just full of crap excuses now as to why I'm not out or drinking! I've faked drinking a few times though, my acting skills aren't quite up to scratch!
We've only told my husband's sister (he really neded to tell someone lol :D), my best friend and the neighbours lol. We really had to tell the neighbours though as we went on holiday together and they would have worked it out anyway, what with me being tired all the time and suddenly not drinking!

We're planning to tell our parents at around 12 weeks but my parents are coming to visit when I'm about 9 weeks so we might have to tell them then (especially if the morning sickness is really obvious).
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I've told 4 close friends 2 of which are also pregnant and 1 has a 6 month old I'd love to tell my mum and sister but don't know how they will take the news I'm so stressed out right now it's untrue I have my scan on fri and was going to tell them then but now I'm not sure I miss my sister so much and just feel quite alone right now I wanna tell them so bad but I want them to be happy and I don know if they will I feel like a child instead of a grown woman :-(

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