whats your washing ironing routeen? more q's added 1st page

ShineyHappyPeople said:
I do 1-2 washes a week but drying clothes is getting to be so difficult because of the weather, plus when we are both out working all day, I usually miss all the sunshine anyway.

We don't have a t.dryer and lately I've noticed that the stuff drying on the clothes horse are smelling of damp and i have to wash them again.

How do you dry clothes quickly without a tumble dryer or sun?? I hate having to put the heat on just to dry clothes because then its too hot at night!

You could put some of the important things that you need in the airing cupboard? or, we have a storage radiator that we have on really low all the time, just to take the edge off some nights.. I place our clothes horse round about it at night times.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Last night i made myself a washing rota... (i'm saddddd)
So i could tell you what I will be doing on what day... lmao

Basically washing 6 out of 7 days a week (overnight because of economy 7) tumbling the previous nights washing (again overnight) and doing bedlinen during the day once a week.

I'll iron about twice a week as most of our stuff doesn't need it but my OH does wear shirts for work.

I like washing and ironing :)
Funkylady said:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
I do 1-2 washes a week but drying clothes is getting to be so difficult because of the weather, plus when we are both out working all day, I usually miss all the sunshine anyway.

We don't have a t.dryer and lately I've noticed that the stuff drying on the clothes horse are smelling of damp and i have to wash them again.

How do you dry clothes quickly without a tumble dryer or sun?? I hate having to put the heat on just to dry clothes because then its too hot at night!

You could put some of the important things that you need in the airing cupboard? or, we have a storage radiator that we have on really low all the time, just to take the edge off some nights.. I place our clothes horse round about it at night times.


Our airing cupboard is only full of shelves so I couldn't hang anything up.. plus, its only warm in there is the heating is on. I don't have a storage heater but I have an electric one.. maybe I should put that on in 1 room and hang up all the clothes in there?
I wash a load everyday, sometimes two. I hang it out on an airer or on radiators if they are on. I hang all the tops and shirts on hangers and hang them on my shower curtain rail and in the airing cupboard. I do have a tumble dryer but I rarely use it. I don't like hanging my washing outside though, I always find it smells when I bring it back in.

I make a huge pile of washing in the clean washing basket and twice a week (while I'm normaly watching enders!) I sit and fold it all up. I wash Dans seperately to mine and OH's. Not sure why, I just always have. I guess that will change when I have more kids! :lol:

I hardly do any ironing, I iron when needed and OH irons his own work shirts.
Usually have 2 loads everyday and hang out to dry if weather poo then in the dryer.Nappies go in every other night and hung outside to dry, if poo then on an airer.

Only iron as i need, usually whatever we need that morning.
I don't iron. Never, unless I've got a job interview or a wedding to go to. Life's too short.

I just put on a wash when I notice the machine is free then hang the clothes on the line (not underwear!) or airer inside if its wet. We do nappies most days as we seem to go through loads. I should really get into a proper routine though as its a bit slapdash at the moment.

Valentine Xxx
There's only the two of us so my washing is a lot easier that the rest of you with little ones. But when I get pregnant :pray: and go on maternity leave I intend doing a load a day.

I tend to do all the washing at the weekend, tumble dry what can be dried (hang it up as soon as it finishes and it doesn't need ironing) and the rest on airer that tends to stay on there all week, we just grab something of it when we need it.

I never iron any of my stuff, if something needs ironing I don't wear it :D

When DH moved in I used to iron his stuff until I found out he ironed it again before wearing it (apparently I didn't do it properly :wall: ) so I never iron anything for him now (to be fair he often asks me if I want anything ironed) but he will iron something with no creases in it! He has this obsession with being 'neat' I keep telling him it's not really cool for a rock musician to care about neatness but he can't help it, bless him :lol:
valentine said:
I just put on a wash when I notice the machine is free then hang the clothes on the line (not underwear!) or airer inside if its wet.

Valentine Xxx

Do you have nosey neighbours!?!
midna said:
Jade&Evie said:
valentine said:
I just put on a wash when I notice the machine is free then hang the clothes on the line (not underwear!) or airer inside if its wet.

Valentine Xxx

Do you have nosey neighbours!?!

or poo stained pants :rotfl:

Hehe!! I never hang my underwear out either tho!! Even when I still stayed at home with my parents in the middle of nowhere we never hung out our undies.
I do all my washing at the weekend unless theres an emergancy, which consists of wee, poop, blood, sick, sand, and wet items. I tumble dry it and fold/hang it immediately... Ironings for loonies... If its a work shirt it gets done on the day. Life is far to short to spend ironing... I have kids to play with :)
I wash practically every day, ill hang out if its nice but generally it hangs on all the radiators and airers in the house.
I then make a pile on the couch which gradually moves up stairs onto the bed, which is then chucked on the floor so i can get in to bed. We dres ourseves out of the heap of clothes on the floor for a couple of days until i get pissed of and put it away.

I dont iron, i wear stretchy stuff and believe the heat in my body will take out whatever creases are left.,
Brian irons everything he wears even his work gear ( ireally need to give him chores he obviously has to much time on his hands)
I only iron Camerons school clothes.
SarahH said:
midna said:
Jade&Evie said:
valentine said:
I just put on a wash when I notice the machine is free then hang the clothes on the line (not underwear!) or airer inside if its wet.

Valentine Xxx

Do you have nosey neighbours!?!

or poo stained pants :rotfl:

Hehe!! I never hang my underwear out either tho!! Even when I still stayed at home with my parents in the middle of nowhere we never hung out our undies.

i always hang mine out, dont care what the neighbours think, have noticed that one side only wears black underwear! ha
Oi you lot! I don't hang it out as my underwear is private! I'd hate my neighbours to comment on it behind my back!

Valentine Xxx
Simple, bag it all up on Saturday and take it to the laundry.

Pick it up on Sunday morning and all washed and dried.

Costs around $25 a week (halve it for pounds)

Husband has all work shirts and trousers done at a dry cleaners each week.
Suzie and Faith said:
SarahH said:
midna said:
valentine said:
I just put on a wash when I notice the machine is free then hang the clothes on the line (not underwear!) or airer inside if its wet.

Valentine Xxx

Do you have nosey neighbours!?!

or poo stained pants :rotfl:

Hehe!! I never hang my underwear out either tho!! Even when I still stayed at home with my parents in the middle of nowhere we never hung out our undies.

i always hang mine out, dont care what the neighbours think, have noticed that one side only wears black underwear! ha[/quote:xaj2wu6o]

:lol: I only wear black too
Currently we wash every day due to Flodsick. It goes straight on the line in the morning if the weather's OK otherwise in the tumble drier and I put it away that evening.

I don't buy ANY clothes that need ironing. I haven't ironed since I was about 21 I think. Jim does his shirts (all 2 of them) once a fortnight before he goes to London.

I think you're doing exactly the right thing chucking most of your clothes away. Most people have FAR too many. I'm certainly not buying any new ones until Flodsick stops.
Suzie and Faith said:
SarahH said:
midna said:
valentine said:
I just put on a wash when I notice the machine is free then hang the clothes on the line (not underwear!) or airer inside if its wet.

Valentine Xxx

Do you have nosey neighbours!?!

or poo stained pants :rotfl:

Hehe!! I never hang my underwear out either tho!! Even when I still stayed at home with my parents in the middle of nowhere we never hung out our undies.

i always hang mine out, dont care what the neighbours think, have noticed that one side only wears black underwear! ha[/quote:cz1420h7]

I hang mine out and Jim and I only wear black underwear... are we your neighbours??? No point us being penpals really :rotfl:
I put washing on twice a day and as for ironing .... i dont think so!! :shakehead:
babsi said:
Simple, bag it all up on Saturday and take it to the laundry.

Pick it up on Sunday morning and all washed and dried.

Costs around $25 a week (halve it for pounds)

Husband has all work shirts and trousers done at a dry cleaners each week.

Thats what we do in the states.... so cheap to take stuff to the dry cleaners there,
:oops: :oops: Am I the only naughty laundry lady?

I wait until the wash basket is overflowing take it down stairs and empty into the downstairs basket next to the washer.... Forget about it.

Remember a couple of days later (usually when I have another full basket upstairs) and try to put a load in the machine.

Find washed, but forgotten about for a few days after, clothes in the washer so have to do those first for the second time, put them in the dryer but forget to switch it on so have to rewash said set of clothes again.

Hopefully remember to switch dryer on after 3rd wash but over heat and so clothes crease to oblivian, chuck em into a humoungous pile and either kid myself when I am desperate that they are presentable to ware or wait until said mountain has all the clothes we own contained within it and I am forced to iron or become a nudist family.

Luckily my clothes wash and rewash well come to no harm with the abuse they suffer and we have a ridiculous amount of clothes to see us through my lazyness.

I hope to mend my ways when I am on maternity leave but am aware that I will slip into bad habits again as soon as I am back at work.

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