Whats your nickname and why...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I have heard some really sweet names on here for all our little ones...

Whats your nickname and the reason why you have called ur miracle that?

Ok Mine is Petal, I think mainly cause Im convinced its a girl also Petal forms part of a flower which I see as me and OH and thats a family (ie the flower). Even if its a boy it'll always be my little petal...
just princess cause she looks so adorable, will post pics soon :)

my little girl (mummys little girl) cause she is :)

takes after me for naughtyness.

missy cause when she dont sleep
James' nickname is spud or pickle, not sure why!

I call this one ickle bean at the moment :D
we call paris muchkin :)

This LO is junior or diddy piddy (my oh's surname is pidd :roll: )
bake bean , till i have another scan that makes it look like a baby lol
my dad named it cuckoo because apparently cuckoo's lay there eggs in other nests and basicall get other birds to look after them or something and because me and my bf split up (altho were gettin on ok now) at the time he called it cuckoo and its stuck
I call Jamie spud or pud for no special reason really :?

At the mo we just refer to no.2 as the baby - not very original is it
i call mine baby..lol..so does DH
although im pretty sure shes a girl, maybe at 20 weeks we can start calling her Brookelynn...lol
well we used to call ours bean,bubble
then jhonny,
it just stuck
Ours is Little Bean, because all the books compare the baby's size to some variety of bean! quite bizarre that really, we can visualise how big 1cm is without opening a tin of beans!!
We call ours Pip. When we first found out we were looking on the internet to see how big it was and it was always described as the size of an apple/orange pip..and the name just stuck :)

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