Whats your best memory??


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I was wondering what everyones best moments of childbirth were, there are loads of time i lie in bed reliving the moments.

Amy's......... When she came out, Andy was crying saying.. "it's a girl, i've got my girl!" (she is the only girl in both families, except me) and when i woke up after having my placenta removed my dad was stood over me crying saying " i'm so proud of you!" oh and when Amy first latched on and looked at me

Jacks....... When he came flying out and everyone looked at me stunned!! :lol:
and when Andy said "OMG it's a boy" and burst into tears :wink: Very emotional. The best was Amy's face when she held him, the pure beaming smile on her face... Amazing

:dance: :dance: :dance: [/b]
i dont have any best memories with either of mine :?

with my son the midwife who delivered him was so rude wouldnt even let me hold my own baby and within 1min of me delivering my placenta was marching me off to have a shower :evil:

with my daughter i had her 10 mins before shift change over and the went to do there handover n told me someone would be back in a minute to help me get cleaned up etc i ended up throwing up everywhere all over me all over beth n couldnt move to call for help and couldnt reach the call button coz i had beth in my arms n was still in the same position i gave birth in! dan had gone outside to call everyone and by the time he had come back upstairs 30mins later beth and me were still sat there covered in sick and nobody had even come to check on me :evil:

:pray: praying for better luck this time round
it was at 2 different hospitals

with my son my mum complained - well in fact she went ballistic though there wasnt much that could be done the damage had been done.

with my daughter i just put it down to one of those things tbh i didnt care i was just so relieved to have my daughter in my arms after ttc for 4 years!!
My best memory was when she was just born and was gazing at me, and when she first latched on. Also, the first time I dressed her, as I couldn't dress her at first becuase I was too ill. I don't remember a lot more because of the drugs :(
My best memory was hearing him cry for the first time. I just felt so relieved that he was ok cos I had a c section. Then when they ran in to tell me he was 8lb 8.5oz and then when I saw his gorgeous face for the first time!
my best memory was when matthew came out at last and looking at ben who was all teary eyed
I had an emergency c-section and Charlie had a pretty tough time getting here, i was so worried that things werent going to be ok, when she was born she didnt cry, i was worried sick, my OH came over to me and said that she was totally perfect and he had tears in his eyes when he told me she was beautiful and he was the happiest bloke alive!
I re-live the birth so many times, most days infact and there are so many things i cant remember, like my first cuddle! It makes me very sad.
My memories are very vague but I loved seeing her face for the first time when her head had come out, and also holding her and feeding her for the first time. It just felt so right.
the moment i held him i felt all tingly and i cant describe the way i felt, id never felt it before. then when everybody left us and i was alone with him for the first time, it was scary but i couldnt take my eyes of him. i was nackered but couldnt sleep because i didnt want to miss something he might do (not that he did much at a few hrs old lol) that sounds stupid! lol
Amy x
Mine was seeing max's willy and knowing i had boy i hoped for!!!! and seeing my oh cry when he saw he had a son he was dreaming of!!!
best memoryof seras birth- my mum saying "well done" and holdin her and cryin

best memory of bayleys birth- seeing seras face when she saw him and when he looked at me for the first time and held my finger (he wouldnt let go for ages lmao)

luv braiana x
I haven't got any good memories of the birth i had a really rough time and then was too ill for about 3 days after to do anything with Abi, the best memory i have tho is the first time i BF her she was about 5 days old :)
I enjoyed the whole thing as of my epidural, had been about 15 hours before that and there was another seven after! - just totally relaxed and loved it from then on. i had a fab midwife who really made alex's birth.

the pushing was great with the epidural cos i felt i was in total control and very empowered and yet no pain :D

best bit though was the instant after he came out, just clinging on to him and my dh holding both of us and crying, just knowing that i'd done it and he was here safely. dont think anything prepares you for how amazing that moment is and i really feel for mums who have had bad experiences and not been able to enjoy that bit :( - hope you all have better experiences next time round :D

Mine is weird enough, it was when i felt my bits tearing, it did not hurt at all but it meant the head went through after 2 and a half hours of pushing. The second one is when i heard Thomas crying and had him on me. i have a picture of him one minute after birth. In the backgroung of the pic you can see my legs apart and the arm of the doctor sawing me :shock:

But This hospital was great, QMC in Nottingham, 10 /10 :)
amyknight88 said:
the moment i held him i felt all tingly and i cant describe the way i felt, id never felt it before. then when everybody left us and i was alone with him for the first time, it was scary but i couldnt take my eyes of him. i was nackered but couldnt sleep because i didnt want to miss something he might do (not that he did much at a few hrs old lol) that sounds stupid! lol
Amy x

that was the same for me plus wen i had first had him and i looked at mum n dad they were both crying

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