What's the earliest found heartbeat on Doppler?

Yeah I've heard so many people bleeding and that, I just compared to my first pregnancy where I had none at all and expect the same I also had a mc before my last pregnancy so never saw blood as ok I just thought it was the end!, my 12 week scan can't come quick enough!! Mines not increased it not really reaching the outside , in the morning when I first get up is when I notice it because it must gather up there over night then when I go loo it comes out x
Well no joy finding hb searched bloody everywhere ! Arghhhh I just want hear it! X
I found it yesterday and the day before but can't find it today. Tried twice and nothing:(
It's so frustrating!! I just want to hear it once let me no all is ok in there!! But ohh nooo!!! I am probably still abit early I'll be 8 weeks tomoz x
Tbh, I think this is the case and point why your not really meant to look too early too, because if you get a day where you may hear it clear as day, then dont and go into total melt down.

Some people even get their own HB confused...

Itll come in time..

Nat, have you tried today?
I'm 8 weeks today and I just found my little nugget after persistence!!
So relieved right now, praying he/she hangs on in there. Just a relief knowing there us a little heart pumping away right now, best feeling :) can never hold it long enough before it fades, but will attempt a recording at some point xx
Hey mummyandpj I tried earlier but gave up quickly because I was getting annoyed!!! Will try again later!! Gets me so frustrated sometimes I think I may of heard it but can't be sure so not counting them!ha anytips where you found yours? I soo want to find mine x
Hey mummyandpj I tried earlier but gave up quickly because I was getting annoyed!!! Will try again later!! Gets me so frustrated sometimes I think I may of heard it but can't be sure so not counting them!ha anytips where you found yours? I soo want to find mine x

It's so frustrating, I kept assuming it was hiding beneath the other sounds that are everywhere- the arteries, placenta or whatever else but today found it pretty near to left overs of my linea nigra. But over to right a little, about 3-3.5 inches down from my belly button. (A little more than an inch down from the most raised bit of my hip.)
Good luck, I'm sure it won't be long!! xx
Think I'm Gona give up for abit! Just had another try for ages looked all over with no joy!! Bloody pain it the arse it is! Wish could just find it so I no all is ok in there for now! X
Eminaysa that's where I found mine with my dd, but searching all round there this time and not found nothing yet! Grghhhhh! Hope all is ok in there x
I found my daughter's heartbeat at 8+5 with an Angelsounds monitor last pregnancy. Going to be getting a Sonoline B this time as the Angelsounds didn't last till the end of my pregnancy with her. It just stopped working one day and annoyingly it was a day she was quite quiet in third tri and I wanted to hear her heartbeat for reassurance.
It's good the sonoline b one, mines on my second pregnancy just need find the pigging hb now then I'll be happy!ha x
Still not found hb with Doppler 8+3 now get bloody frustrated with it why can't I find it!! Arghhh!ha hope things are ok I'm there 😁 xt
About 11 weeks, but I'd defo recommend get one where u can see the beats per min otherwise u might confuse it with ur own pulse xxx
I haven't tried today, or yesterday I gave up because I was getting so
Annoyed because I really want to find it!! I will probably try again Monday when I'll be past 9 weeks ! I have a sonoline b one so shows all beats etc, I've searched bloody everywhere why can't I find it?!! X
I'm 9+5 today and there are still days when I can't find it at all. Sometimes I search 5 or more times a day, each time for about 15 minutes and still I can't find it. And then there are other days when I search for a few minutes and there it is. Though every time I find it it's very distant and the dopper ( sanoline b as well ) doesn't even show the beats.
Every time I can't find it I worry and wonder how the baby can hide as it's about 2.5cm now so it should be easy to find.
So I'd say your baby is stubborn and keeps hiding. Don't give up and you'll find it soon :)
Wahayyyyyyyyyyyy just found heartbeat several times at 8+4!! Amazing feeling hearing that big relief I finally found it!! Even managed to get a recording and the beats come up on the screen!!! Yea and toast to celebrate!!ha x
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That's fantastic! I told you you'd find it soon :)

Where exactly did you find it?

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