Heard baby's heartbeat!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I decided to order a decent fetal Doppler to help reassure me through this pregnancy after the bad experiences of my last two pregnancies. I am now about 11w 6d and i found baby's heartbeat with the Sonoline B Pocket Fetal Doppler! It is so good, it also has an LCD screen which shows the FHR too so you now your def picking up babies heartbeat. It was between 150-160 bpm. It says it should work from 12 weeks but from reviews I've read people finding the heartbeat at 8-9 weeks!

Bought it off eBay - ordered 2 days ago and it's here already :)
I also got 250ml of ultrasound gel with it too all for £41.99, well worth the pennies for such a good Doppler!
:yay: :)
Happy you found your babys hb hunny.
I personally dont like the home fetal dopplers, i threw mine in the bin as they can irritate baby plus a sonographer and midwife told me they are not fully tested but if its putting your mind at rest, thats great hunny :) x x

i loved min ei got a good 1 too i didnt bother with the angel sound ones as they are rubbish :)
This one is amazing, and I actually feel reassured having used it. It took me a while but found it eventually!

I read a few things on the Internet and couldn't find anything negative about using a Doppler except it can make people worry more if they can't find heartbeat. I won't use it loads it was just to reassure me before scan next week and then in between my next scans. Everything I read said as it's only 3mhz it's very safe for someone who isn't qualified to use it and it basically similar to ultrasound but on a lower level. It said ultrasound probes are usually 5-10mhz and they aren't considered unsafe.

I've been considering buying one from Ebay after the 12 week scan in two weeks. I spoke to my mw & asked her whether she deemed it a good idea. However, she said I shouldn't buy one. I will go against her advice as my pregnancy is considered high risk & its very reassuring to hear the baby's HB. I'm 10 weeks, do you think it's best I wait to purchase one?

All the best to you!


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