What's in your birth plan?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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as it says really, I've not written anything yet, but in my plan there is going to be.

Stay mobile, not much monitoring if poss.
If I am induced again, I might just tell them I'm going home after, I'm not up for being stuck at hospital for hours for nothing.
Hubby and best friend to be there throughout.
Hubby to cut cord.
If the drip is absolutely necessary then it's to be a very low dose which is not increased without my permission.
Episiotomy preferred if it looks like I will tear again.
Dim lighting, quiet room if poss.
Might try water although when I tried it with Mason I didn't like it.
Might try a small dose of pethedine this time, undecided.
Epidural I feel like one.
Skin to skin straight away for as long as poss.

Erm, can't think of any more at the moment.
Not written mine yet but have it in my head.

I hope for a homebirth so while some of this applies to home, if I have to birth in hospital I hope all/most of it can apply there depending on when I go in.

Along the lines of

*Stay at home and stay mobile as long as possible in early stages. Try various positions to get thorugh any pain in this stage. Shower, bath, go for a walk, do whatever makes me comfy.
*I do not wish to lie down or recline unless I really have to. I would prefer to be either upright or semi upright and not putting pressure on my coccyx and lower back as I want to work with gravity to deliver baby, not against it.
*Have hubby with me throughout. I really don't like the thought that he may well be asked to go home overnight if I am in hospital. Will find out what my hospital policy is when we take the tour next week.
*Birthing pool for pain relief and possibly to deliver baby in. If I can I hope to deliver baby into my arms myself, but realise this may be beyond me and MW will need to help.
*As drug free as possible please. I hope to manage with breathing techniques, massage, gas and air and water.
*As little interference from MW as possible. If at home my MW has told me she is very hands off and this works for me. If in hospital I realise it will be because I *have* to be there and that remaining hands off might not be an option but I still want as little medical interference as is possible.
*Skin on skin contact. With hubby also.
*Being left with baby for as long as we wish after if all is well. I'd rather bond and feed before worrying about cleaning baby up. Hope this happens at home espeically if I birth in water.
*Deliver the placenta naturally in own time if possible. Not worried about cutting the cord too soon. Am happy to let my MW choose when to cut a bit later on (if at home)
*Vitamin K injection for baby - yes please although maybe in liquid form

Few minor things if in hospital

*May consider a student if in hospital but would like to be asked first and to meet the student in question before agreeing.
*Dim lighting etc

I'm sure there may be a bit more or I'll change some of this, but thats pretty much it.
wont write all of mine as its quite long as had alot to put in because of hubby lol
bacicaly says if im in hospital i dont want an epi unless really nessisery g&a and pethidine fine though
says a few bits about staying mobile and labouring how i feel comfy
says about hubby being free to come and go as he pleases and about his phobias with blood ect and how he should be offered the chance to cut the cord but he prob wont do it lol
just says about things i would prefere to do like go home very quickly after having baby, and how i want baby cleaned before touching me
oh and that i am not to be hassled about breastfeeding as im not doing it not even going to try it :)

not done my homebirth one will when i get to 36 and a bit weeks as cant have my homebirth till then :)
manda xx
Nearly all of the things that would have been in my birth plan are now not possible, i.e homebirth in a pool, skin to skin staright away - JP also, JP to cut cord etc.

I am unsure yet as to whether I'll even be allowed a vaginal delivery or if a caesarean will be necessary so it's very hard for me to write a birth plan. What I do know is that I want JP to stay with me throughout (obviously unless it's an emergency caesarean with a general anaethetic, in which case I understand that he cannot) and that I will insist that he stays with me or else I too shall go home. Things will probably happen pretty fast with this birth - being my 3rd and a premature birth - and I do not want him to miss it.

What could I possibly write in my Birth Plan?
i didnt do a birth plan.. always said ill let it go with the flow!
and thats what happened... i had to let them do what they thought best cos we were both at risk :(
Kim&Leah said:
i didnt do a birth plan.. always said ill let it go with the flow!
and thats what happened... i had to let them do what they thought best cos we were both at risk :(

ditto, i didnt have a plan which is a good job as i pretty much had to do what they said coz my blood pressure was sky high throughout labour due to pre-eclampsia!!!! :(
I want my own music and some bits and pieces like my own pillowcase )not pillow!). Want to be able to eat and drink.

I'm open minded about pain relief. Will start out with relaxation/bath/massage/birthing ball and then move on to TENS/entonox. I've stipulated I DO NOT want diamorphine (we're not offered peth at our hospital) as I don't want to be throwing up, be out of it and don't want the baby affected.

If I think I need an epidural then I'll have one.

Would like to keep as mobile as possible until the last minute but want to go with whatever feels comfortable at the time.

Would like skin to skin asap and for as long as possible and start to BF asap too.

Would like OH to discover the sex and cut the cord if he hasn't passed out by this point and wants to. If not, I want to be the one to find out the sex.
Injections for me to help deliver placenta and Vit K for baby are both fine.

I want out of hospital as soon as is humanly possible!!
I have just changed mine:

MM's birth plan


:think: not sure if I need anything more :lol:

Yours sounds perfect Urchin
I've been thinking a bit about mine. I'm aiming for a homebirth but who knows!

*Everything done as naturally as possible, gas and air, water, moving around, no 'tools' (i'm not ruling out pethadine or an epidural (if i'm in hospital).
*Skin to skin after birth but baby can be cleaned
*Vitamin K for baby - not so bothered how
*injection for the placenta
*OH offered the chance to assist delivery (my mw suggested it anyway) (though i'm sure he'll decline)
*OH offered chance to cut the cord, if not then maybe i could? (OH is squeamish).
*Would consider a couple of students

That's about it. Though if I do end up in hospital they WILL NOT be sending my OH away at any stage during labour or afterwards. If they do i'm going with him! I can't cope alone and i'll fight my case if i need to!
i have not written one. i guess will just go with the flow.

marie x

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