Birth plan?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Has anyone else done their birth plan yet? I thought I'd better get started on it just in case.

I thought it would be nice and short, but its turned out rather long.

Have I missed anything?

Here is my first draft:


My birthing partner is Toby (my husband). In the unlikely event that he has not arrived home from work, I would like my Mum to be present until he arrives.

I have SPD but I am also hypermobile. My legs can still open as wide as I want, and I do not know what is ‘normal’ for me even when I don’t have SPD. The physio recommended pillows underneath my legs to prevent them opening too far if I am laid down on a bed.

I do not mind one student midwife observing, but do not want more than this.

I would like to be encouraged to be as mobile as possible. I would like to avoid being restricted to the bed.

If the birthing pool is free, I would like to use it for pain relief. I understand that it isn’t always possible to give birth in the pool, I would be willing to get out if need be.

If the birth pool is not free, or I cannot use it then I would like to try a shower/bath, and also a birthing ball.

I would like to try using Gas and Air.

If I still look like I have a way to go, and am in pain then I would like to try Pethidine.

I do not want an epidural unless medically necessary. I am petrified of needles, and there is a chance that it might not work for me (see notes attached in front of book) which has made me even more apprehensive.

If all is well, I would like my baby delivered onto my chest.

I would like to have the injection to speed up the 3rd stage.

Toby would like to cut the cord.

I would like our baby to have the vitamin K injection.

I plan to breastfeed, and would like to be encouraged to do so as soon as possible.

I would like local Anaesthetic for any stitches required – I may need more local Anaesthetic than average (please see notes at front of my book) as I definitely know that I do at the dentist.
looks good, thing with these is you can make it as short or as long as you want!

I like the part at the end when you say "I know I do at the dentist"
That made me chuckle :lol:
thats really good, I might copy it :lol:
I started doing mnine the other night but got carried away and its sooooo long. Things like...I'd like the lights dimmed, I want to be able to eat etc etc Im worried if its too long it will be ignored all together :?
lol!! i suppose that does sound a bit strange! It would probably make sense if you read my notes - either that or they'll just think i'm a bit wacky. By which time i'm sure I will not care hehe
Tilly - if urs is long, dont do paragraphs, just keep it bullet pointed then its easy to read
Exactly my worry tillytots.

I want the lights dimmed as well, but figured its something I can just yell at them in between gas and air!
Candygirl said:
Tilly - if urs is long, dont do paragraphs, just keep it bullet pointed then its easy to read

thanks hun, will do :D
I did a very detailed one for my first (being a doc and having delivered many babies I knew what I did and did not want to happen to me) including a line about being flexible to changes in my birth plan should it be medically necessary - it never left my bag!! most of the important stuff the midwife will ask ie the skin to skin straight away, who cuts the cord etc. I havent bothered with a birth plan in subsequent pregnancies but I think the major benefit in doing one especially in a first pregnancy is it makes you stop and think about each thing and think how you would handle not having your wishes met - eg your bit about the birthing pool - not all options are available or safe in every labour and decision making while in pain is difficult.

your plan looks good by the way - shows you have thought a lot through :)
Your birth plan looks really good! It's very thorough but not too long.

In my maternity notes the birth plan section has several questions you have to answer, so mine is set out in bullet points answering the questions.

Mine says....

* I feel quite positive about labour. I would like it to be as natural as possile. I will just listen to my body and see how I feel.

* I would like my partner to be with me#

* I want to move around and use tens, beanbags and ball in early labour. Then will get in the pool when I feel ready.

* I would like to be able to eat and drink if I feel like it.

* I would like babys heartbeat to be monitored with a handheld doppler at intervals

* I will cope with the pain by walking around, using a tens machine, using a ball or beanbag, birthing pool, gas and air

* I'd like to try and avoid drugs such as morphine/pethidine

* I don't mind vaginal examinations if neccessary but don't want to get out of the pool if it can be avoided

* I would like to deliver in the pool if possible

* I would like baby delivered onto my chest

* My partner would like to cut the cord

* I would like an injection to help deliver the placenta

* After birth I would like skin to skin contact and an opportunity to breast feed.

* I would like baby to have the vitiimin k injection

* I don't want to go to hospital unless absolutely neccessary

My midwife unit doesn't have the facility to give epidurals so that won't be an issue for me, unless I get transferred to hospital for some reason
my plan is still as follows:

I would like the baby to pop out, between 39 and 40 weeks exactly, with a very sudden labour and birth too quick for anyone to get there. However i would like a nice midwife to turn up in just time to clean up and check the baby is ok :lol:
some great plans there, might have to steal a few bits :D
gymbabeliz said:
my plan is still as follows:

I would like the baby to pop out, between 39 and 40 weeks exactly, with a very sudden labour and birth too quick for anyone to get there. However i would like a nice midwife to turn up in just time to clean up and check the baby is ok :lol:

:rotfl: That made me giggle!!
* My partner would like to cut the cord

For me it'd be:
My partner thinks the idea of cutting the cord is gross, please don't ask him to do this as i wish him to remain conscious as all times.

Lol... I will write one at some point, but my main point would be I WANT TO BE AT HOME (unless medically impossible)

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