WHATS GOING ON??????????????


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2005
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Hi girls!
This is my first month of using ov sticks, so I want your advice.
Since last Thursday I've had a strong positive result on my sticks (and every day since then, today included!) I don't know what's going on!?
I thought you were only meant to get a positive for a couple of days, just before you ovulate!?
It's not the tests as I had a negative before last Thurs and have used several different kinds aswell!
Has anyone else had this?
Any help or advice would be appriciated 'cos I'm bloody knacked!! :wink: :oops: Can't face it again tonight!!!! :oops: :wink:


Sam xxxx
Hmm, that's a good one!!

I am due to ovulate this Saturday, so if the last months are anything to go by, this will be my testing and results:

Thursday morning - faint second line
Thursday evening - stronger second line
Friday morning - 2 lines same colour
Friday evening - 2 lines same colour

Not sure if this will help you, but that is what I get..... I am using very cheap sticks from ebay.

Good luck!! And just keep thinking of the end result, and not the fact that you are knackered!!! :lol: A good tip is if you are feeling knackered, and your normal BD sessions are quite long (sorry! :oops: ), try grabbing OH for a quickie just as you are about to leave the house to go somewhere. That way, you'll get the little fishes you need, and it won't be a marathan session!!! :oops: :lol:
Hiya Tankett, I'm using the ebay tests aswell, from a couple of different sellers.
With regards to BD, we have been at it every night since Thurs so for the last few days it's been quickie city!! :lol: :lol:
So, you only have 2 positive days on your ov sticks then? This is my sixth day! I'm really confused about that!? :?

Thanks for replying,
Sam xxx
hi sam awww bless you i bet you are shattered hope you get your bfp this month and then it will all be worth it good luck hun xxxx
Hi Sam

I go from no line to one dark line (wed no line - thurs dark line) then the following day it will either go or be very faint..... maybe everyone is different. I only use cheap sticks....

Another good way to have a quickie is to start off on the couch and stay there! if we start off on the couch, then move off to the bedroom it'll become a marathon session! but if we stay on the couch it becomes a quickie..... a fun quickie!

Hi Sam,

Not sure if the ovulation sticks work for me either as I got the strong line for three days - and it says on the instructions that you are supposed to ovulate 24-36 hours after you get your positive, if that's the case I would have been ovulating for about 4 days!! Are you charting your temps (can't remember if you said you were or not) as well? That's a better sign that ovulation has occured as is cm. As for quickies, I find a bit of manual stimulation does the trick (if you know what I mean) and then just hop on!! :wink:
This is only my second month of using them, last month I had really faint lines for several days and I almost gave up on them.

Then I got a stronger test line and the next day I have a positive result and I think after that it went back to a fainter test line.

That's weird that you get a positive for more than one day.....yeah I guess the only way of trying to find out more is from your temps if your charting.

My temps were sky high these last two days as I've been stressed at work. I've had a nice calm day today so hopefully my temp will be a bit more normal tomorrow.
Thanks for all your replies girls, :D
Yes i have been charting but my temps are absolutely all over the place 'cos I've been ill, so I can't really tell from that either.
I think I'll grin and bare it for a couple more days!, :roll: think of the little life I might be making, and see in a week and a half if it's all been worth it!! :D
Weird though, I wonder why I have a pos for 6 days!??? Bizzaar! :?
Thanks again
Love and hugs
Sam xx
Hi Sam

I had a weird month this month too. I did the test and got a positive on Sat. BD like mad next few days, line went fainter (just). Stopped using OPK test then when temps didn't go up, I did another and got another positive on the Thursday. On Friday temps went up.

I wondered if it is because they are pretty difficult to read. I'm never entirely convinced it is positive. I've never had a line stronger than the control line, only equal to it.

Dunno if that helps, or confuses!! :shock:

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