What's going on??


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Hey Ladies

Well it's been 41 days since my last AF. I had a BFN on day 32 so I have been hanging around waiting for my next AF to arrive. Last month I had to wait 50 days for my AF due to coming off the pill in December so I was expecting to be waiting 50ish days this time.


I had a really crap nights sleep - I literally woke up every hour! :wall2:

When I got up this morning I thought my AF had arrived so I went to the loo and nothing!!

Anyway the next time I went to the loo I wiped and there was what I can only describe as a small streak of old brown blood (really sorry tmi!). I wiped again thinking yay she's arrived and there was a tiny tiny bit on the tissue.

I've been to the loo twice since then thinking my AF was going to be in full flow and there's nothing!?!

I have slight cramps like she should be here and I feel a little bit sicky but not like I want to be sick?!

I'm really confused. Surely it's impossible to get implantation spotting on day 41?!?!

What's going on with my body? Anyone have any idea coz I give up! lol

Claire xx
If u were going to have a 50 day cycle again then implantation at day 41 is certainly possible. As that would be 9 days before af is due which is around when some people get implantation bleeding regardless of cycle length. Due you know when u ov'd this cycle? Keeping my fingers crossed for you hun. xx
Oh - how frustrating...it could just be a slow, weird start to your AF (fingers crossed that it's not though...).

SPC xx
Thanks for replying Puzzle!

I have no idea when or if I ov'd this month. I didn't think it would be possible to even get pregnant on a 50 day cycle!! It's making me slightly more positive about not getting my AF yet! lol

I'm due to test in 10 days time anyway because after getting a BFN on day 32 we decided to wait until day 51! lol

I have my fingers firmly crossed now!

Hi Small Purple Cat

I really don't think it was my AF starting slowly as she always arrives in full flow! Even my pill bleeds started the same as my non pill AF before the pill. (if that makes sense?!)

Thanks for replying though
As far as i know you can get pregnant on any length cycle aslong as your luteal phase isn't less than 10 days. As whatever length your cycle is, for af to come you need to have ov'd. Good luck and hope you get your :bfp: you're better than me if you last the 10 days without testing though lol :dust::dust:
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Thanks Guys!

Puzzle I am definatly waiting 11 more days! I've wasted enough money on pg tets already lol


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