What's going on??


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I'm not having a very good day.

Firstly, suffering from a UTI... see my other post today!
Then on one of my frequent trips to the loo, it seemed that AF had arrived, which is very odd as she's not due until the 25th!
My last cycle was very long (I was about 2 weeks late) so could my body just be trying to regulate itself?

I'm so confused as thought I would be ovulating around now. Not this.
Will have to wait and see if it's a proper AF, but there did seem to be quite a bit of blood. Sorry if tmi :oops:

Has anyone else had a similar experience? I am now convincing myself that there is something horribly wrong with me. :(
Please help!
And would I now count this as day one of my cycle? :?
i had this bout a month back.
one cycles was a few days late then the next cycles came a week early and now this one is late by 3 weeks, but i do have pcos which can upset the whole system.

Have u been ill recently coz this can be the case and your body is tryin to get back to a normal cycle. but if it corncers you so much a trip to the quacks won't hurt , then at least you kno wots goin on.
thanks jemz.
When I was late the last time I had the UTI and a really bad cold/flu thing.
At the moment I have another cold type thing - have been feeling generally quite crap for several weeks now!
also the UTI never went away properly which is why I got more antibiotics today.
Is that enough to put everything out? My cycles can vary in length but this is all a bit odd.
Do you suffer with pcos or anything that might cause your periods to be so irregular?

I had a UTI last cycle so I have huge sympathy for you. I started spotting before I'd even finished the antibiotics. Not sure 100% but perhaps it does have an affect on your cycle if you are fighting an infection.
Thanks bagpuss.
To my knowledge I don't have pcos or anything that would affect my cycles.
Nothing seems to be happening now when I go to the loo so no idea if this is going to be a proper AF or not. Will just have to see what happens over the next couple of days I guess!
I never used to think twice about what was going on with my bits & pieces, now I am worrying about EVERYTHING - which probably doesn't help at all............
I only went to the docs because since i started TTC my period went from regular to all over the place and thats what got me worrying so i went to get it checked out, and thats when i found out i had pcos which explains a lot. It dosent stop you worrying but does help u with understanding wots going on and that there is help out there, and the fact that loads of girls on here suffer from pcos have gotten preggs takes away the stress of it all.

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