13dpo: Wass going on?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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Hi, everyone. Hope you all had a fab Christmas and new year. This is my third month of ttc. My last four cycles have been 25-28 days, and AF seems to come 13-14dpo. I'm currently CD29 and 13dpo. The past couple of months have seen me with every pregnancy symptom going and I was gutted when AF arrived, but at least I knew that I could ignore all these symptoms in future and I felt more relaxed about it this month. Anyway, this month I've had no symptoms at all, which makes me wonder whether my head was playing with me before - but that's another story.

The day before new year's eve, I started getting AF cramps in the evening. On new year's eve (I was 11dpo), had quite uncomfortable AF cramps all day - not as intense as normal ones, but very unpleasant. I rushed to the loo a few times thinking she'd arrived as I felt wet, but nothing. Decided to have a couple of glasses of wine on NYE because I was sure she was on her way.

Yesterday - no cramps during the day, which was weird. Yesterday evening, started getting crampy again and when I went to the loo before going to bed, there was a bit of pinky/brown CM when I wiped. I kept wiping but it didn't get darker. Felt gutted last night as i thought I was out again this month.

Woke this morning expecting to be in agony with cramps but, again, nothing. Went to the loo and there was the tiniest bit of light brown CM (maybe residue from last night). Got very light cramps at the moment.

This is all unusual for me. I never get pre-AF cramps - especially 4 days before I'm due. I might feel a bit bloated the day before, but my cramps start as suddenly as my period, and they're very intense (I have to have a load of Neurofen to get me through the day). If my calculations are correct, AF should be here today or tomorrow.

My sensible, practical head is telling me that AF is toying with me this month. For the first time ever, she's sending me her special little packages before the main event arrives.

However, my crazy symptom-spotting head is telling me that maybe those cramps two days ago was implantation cramping and the CM I had last night was the bleed? I don't know what the timescale is between the actual implantation and when you would have evidence of it. Does it take a day or two for the bleed to come through, or is it immediate?

Anyway, all very weird and I'll keep you posted. I'm sure after writing all this I'll be back here within the hour telling you the witch is here, but you never know.

Hey hun

Sorry your stuck in limbo :hugs:

Mines been a bit funny this time as well but like you, trying to keep level headed so my fx for you & hoping it's your shy BFP waiting to come get you

Keep us posted

Thanks, Kezza - I was going to say my little dilemma is no where near as dramatic as yours, but I thought I'd have a go! I've been gripped more by your thread than Eastenders over Christmas - much more exciting! Still got dull cramps that keep coming and going. Normal AF cramps are there constantly. If the hag hasn't arrived by tomorrow night, I might start to get a little excited.
Sounding pretty good! So are you a day late today? Will you be poas? Xxx
Awwww bless you :hugs:

Well no change with me, getting used to feeling like poop now :-)

Mmmm....based on your last 4 cycles your 1 day late like Sylvie said......

So when are you going to POAS POAS POAS???

Lol - I'm going to wait till Tuesday at earliest. If I go by my dpo dates, AF should be here by tomorrow. My cycles are irregular so can't really go by those because they have been up to 30 days in the past. My dpo dates are a little more reliable so I'll go by that. Not holding out too much hope as we only managed to bd twice over my fertile days, but I did try pre-seed for the first time.
Fertile days and preseed sound like a baby combo!! Ya never know hun!! Fx and :dust:
All sounds very good hun!

I had definate implantation cramps last time i got BFP. Not as painful as AF cramps but there all the same. if they were implantation then hpt would prob show positive now!

Hi, everyone

14dpo today and CD30. AF should be here by today judging by previous months. I don't think she's come later than 14dpo. If she's not here by tonight I'm in unknown territory!

Did a test this morning - BFN. It could still be early, though, as normally AF would be here when I'm 14dpo so, although a bit disappointed there wasn't even a faint line, it could be early days. I'm sure I read somewhere that implantation can take a few days so it might be a while before the levels are high enough. I'm not sure.

I do suffer from lower back problems, but yesterday and last night were agony for me. I woke in the night with such painful hips and lower back. I nearly had to get up because the pain was so bad. I'm not sure if this is a good sign or I've strained myself without realising. It's so sore.

The only other symptom that came up yesterday was constant burping - even hubby noticed it. Haven't had the botty burping part - just normal burping.

Apart from back and burps, no other symptoms. Normally at AF time my boobs would be agony - they'd be heavy, achy, sore and veiny, but weirdly, they're not at the moment. A little bit tender but nothing like they usually are at AF time. Again, not sure if that's a good or bad sign.

I'm desperately trying to beat Kezza on the weird cycle this month, but she's still four laps ahead of me :D

Fingers' crossed that old hag stays well away today.

And as if by magic, one hour later, light bleeding has started. Buggerations!! Maybe it won't get any heavier. Feel gutted!
Oh no hun, sorry she's made a bit of a show, hope it doesn't go into anything

Hi, Kezza - as soon as it started it has stopped again. There was bright-red blood when I wiped a few times. Now it's gone brown - there's nothing on my pad yet and the agonising cramps haven't started yet. AF is such a c-word; if she's going to come, I wish she'd just bloody well turn up and get it over with!! This might be the calm before the storm. How are you doing today? Any new symptoms?
Sounding good hun, my fx she isn't playing games & just disappears

Erm I've not got flu & a temp of 38.9 so feeling incredibly ill

Argh! Hope that was it for the flow and it's really a bfp xxx

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