What's for dinner?

our fridge is empty, so my frozen beef stew is going in the microwave. I do have a sack of potatoes in the garage but Im feeling lazy so will probably by potato wedges straight from freezer to oven. Even though mash would be nicer AND healthier, I cant face the peeling, washing, boiling, mashing, washing up pots rubbish tonight!
I was gonna make chicken risotto but pregnancy brain over here forgot to defrost the chicken and besides I really fancy sausage and mash so gonna send OH and DD to shop for sausages in a bit x x
helen oh sounds well trained getting you what you fancy lol my oh is just chopping, mashing etc now :dance:
We are having roast pork and all the trimmings......yummy!
BBQ...but it's bloody freezing and looks like it's gonna rain :lol: so much for the hottest day of the year so far!
roast beef dinner with summer fruit crumble for pudding
He is very well trained! He went to the shop and then peeled, chopped, cooked and mashed the potatoes and the sausages!! x
pizza seems to be everything i want lately :D Got a feelin my baby will come out italian instead of swedish-gambian bless
A super hot chilli with sour cream, corn on the cob, broccolini and home made chips :)
Its very young broccoli - Im used to calling it that, here they call it tenderstem I think :)
fatty option lol
chicken burgers and chips with loads of salad cream

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