What would you do with 150 Million squid?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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OMG the roll over for tomorrow is 150mil! Did I see that right?????

Anyway.....what would you do if you won that much money?

Ive always had a couple of things I'd want to do.

Id want to start up a trust for people who need, but cant afford or cant get get good enough from the NHS - medical equipment in the home, wheelchairs and other mobility devices, renovations for disability access etc etc.

I would also want to travel the 3rd world for a year doing things like commissioning the building of schools and clinics etc where they are most needed (I would rather do that then give the money to a charity)

um.....that might be all of it gone, but aslong as we have about 5mil left for ourselves I'll be happy :lol:

Then Id build us a self sufficient hobbit-hole style house and farm in West Wales, with a recording studio for me and an art studio for OH, and adopt lots of babies :)

what would you do?
150 million squid? :think:

Thats easy :wink: I'd move mine and Jed's entire family to Australia and buy Jed a campsite / backpackers lodge to run then I'd enjoy a carefree luxurious life of indulgence.

ahhhhh :D
I wouldn't even know where to start, that is an absolutely ridiculous amount of money :shock:

I thought I saw that it was £95 million though? :?
x-kirsty-x said:
I wouldn't even know where to start, that is an absolutely ridiculous amount of money :shock:

I thought I saw that it was £95 million though? :?

uh....I saw it yesterday....perhaps im getting confused cos of my obsession with lost and thats how much hurley won :lol: :oops:

still 95mill......im sooooo getting a ticket :pray:
I'd see mine and hubbys family were sorted, give to various charities, buy a nice house, put loads into an account for Maddison and tell my work to stuff their job and be a SAHM :wink:

Oh and hire a personal trainer so I could lose weight :D
and I'd also buy my mum her own donkey sanctury to run :D
pfft, my family can go fuck themselves apart from my uncle and one sister, who I would see right :lol:

And my kids would get a couple mil each in trust funds to access when they are 21, but until then I would only pay uni fees....I think kids need to learn how to stand on their own 2 feet...Id hate to turn my kids into spoilt paris hilton wannabees :(
glitzyglamgirl said:
pfft, my family can go f**k themselves apart from my uncle and one sister, who I would see right :lol:

And my kids would get a couple mil each in trust funds to access when they are 21, but until then I would only pay uni fees....I think kids need to learn how to stand on their own 2 feet...Id hate to turn my kids into spoilt paris hilton wannabees :(

Yeah but the Hiltons are rich and famous, the likes of you and I would just be rich!
glitzyglamgirl said:
pfft, my family can go f**k themselves apart from my uncle and one sister, who I would see right :lol:

And my kids would get a couple mil each in trust funds to access when they are 21, but until then I would only pay uni fees....I think kids need to learn how to stand on their own 2 feet...Id hate to turn my kids into spoilt paris hilton wannabees :(

I agree :D We have a trust fund for Maddison but have also opened a savings account for her in my name as she may take out all her trust fund money and blow it for all we know :roll: We put a bit into trust fund each month but more into the savings. That way she can do what she likes with trust fund money but savings will be for car, education etc and only I can access it :wink:
When I daydream about winning the lottery, I don't really think about the house and the holidays much, I dream about all the people I could help.
Kids who are on long waiting list for operations and could get them abroad if they had the money. My friend who wants IVF and can't afford it, mates whose mortgages I could pay off for them etc.
new houses, cars, anythin that Jam wanted, a hell of a lot of plastic surgery, ooooooooooooooh the list goes on!!! :rotfl:
mummykay said:
new houses, cars, anythin that Jam wanted, a hell of a lot of plastic surgery, ooooooooooooooh the list goes on!!! :rotfl:

Lets hope you win then, that ugly picture of you is driving me mad :roll:

:rotfl: You are stunning you moo cow :rotfl:
Plastic surgery :roll:
well with 150million "squid" i wud sell them 4 2 pound each then double the rollover jackpot for myself :D:D:D

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'd move to Berlin, buy a huge old flat to do up and buy a mini for myself (the modern type) and give loads to my family and friends.
Erm... Cars, houses, motorbikes... being a SAHM but doing volunteer work. I'd put money into charities, pay for IVF for anyone on here that needed it so they didn't have to be on stoopid waiting lists, treat the people in my family that deserve it.

That's about it really. I wouldn't blow it though, I'd spend it wisely over time not in big chunks all at once. You never know what could happen in the future and then you wish you hadn't blown it all.
I think I would buy the little chalet we live in and make it all pretty inside, and then me and my boyfriend would do a course in something like wood work and have a little shop where all the things we sell are made by us and it doesnt matter if we dont sell a thing because it would just be for fun!

And I would have flowers everywhere so I could do my floristry when ever i want and train people in floristry for free.

I would make sure my mum dad and all my brothers and sister had enough so they would never have to struggle, and i would marry my boyfriend in a second if he would have me! And I would see the whole world! But not in a rich person way just as we are with enough money to see all the things we want way....if that makes sence? Ooooooo and I would buy a house on the Isle of Man because i love it there!
I'd make sure all my family had mortgage paid off and nice holiday, buy a beautiful home. Be a SAHM. Enjoy life with my OH and baby boy without the stress of money. I wouldn't go overboard and obviously i'd gie to charity.

I'd also pay for each one of you to come and have a girly day out, all of us together :cheer:
isnt the £95million for the euromillions on friday? :think:

or lotto tomorow? confused!!
mummykay said:
isnt the £95million for the euromillions on friday? :think:

or lotto tomorow? confused!!

oh god im confused now too.....not hard :rotfl:

I'll go and check now...

ETA - Yep your right, its a 95mil roll over for euromillions on friday :doh:

It says it cant roll over anymore....well why not? And who gets the prize fund if no-one wins it then?

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