What would you do if...........


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Ok perhaps a moral dilema...not sure yet........

I purchased a camera of Ebay on 16th June. I paid instantly but as my Card had expired and i hadnt updated the new one, they sent him an Echeque thingy to pay and said it would be cleared in 7-9 days which would be 25th June latest. I messaged the guy and appologised and said didnt know it would pay by echq and told him what happened and he said no bother ill still send the camera now. I was surprised as I thought ''personally I would wait for the money'' but ho hum 2 days later the camera came. I just checked and the money hasnt gone from my bank yet so I checked paypal and the payment is showing as cancelled on 25th June. No reason as to why (I didnt cancel it) but ti just shows cancelled.

I logged in to ebay fully expecting an irrate message about payment, but nothing, he has even left me feedback on 16th June saying

The best comms ever - quickest payment ever - best ebayer ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How strange dont you think??

Now do I send the payment again or have paypal fucked up and sent him it anyway but not debited me or what?

I dont know what to do - obviously if he had contacted me I would send the money instantly but its all a bit weird!
Personally i would wait and see if he asks where his payment is, i wouldnt want to send it twice.

can you contact paypal?
Becky&Willow said:
Personally i would wait and see if he asks where his payment is, i wouldnt want to send it twice.

can you contact paypal?

thats what im thinking wait and see. Don't want him turning up on my door step tough like cause he has my address lol.

Ive sent them a query but it takes them ages to reply and even then they usually just put ''contact the seller'' but I dont wanna say ''have you got payment'' as he may have and think ''opoo ill say no then I can get it again''
does the camera work OK? it seems like he wanted to get rid of it quckly (maybe stolen?).

Sandi4Paul said:
does the camera work OK? it seems like he wanted to get rid of it quckly (maybe stolen?).


Yeah it was brand new came with warranty to have it registered as well. Said he won it in a comp!

If it was stolen he might be an unscrupulus and might come round my house for the money :?
Personally id wait and see. Just incase paypal try to take it off thereseleves.

If he asks just apologise and play stupid
i have had loads of problems with paypal and the echeque thing. I personally would email him the problem and he would like you to pay for the item, and keep a copy of your email.
Personally I would contact him and tell him what's happening. If it says its been cancelled then chances are it has and he hasn't received any money yet. I would also contact paypal and find out why its been cancelled.
He probably gave you a good review when you brought it as it would have appeared to him that you had paid the same day by card, obviously it was later that the card was cancelled.
I've had trouble with echeques before too.
these eqheques are a bloody night mare arn't they!

Ill message him but from my email account so I can keep a copy!

I think its really strange though it was cancelled and should of cleared on 25th, why has he not contacted me its over £300 ffs! I would be writing an email straight away if it was me!
I'd probaly wait and see, only because I know Paypal can just be a pain somtimes and take ages to update, the cancelled payment could be the one for when your card was expired, and the one thats gone thorugh could be hiding in your history somewhere... You don't want to pay him twice!!
do you have a back up. If I bought something and paid by paypal and they couldnt get the money from my first account then the payment would come from my credit card which is my second method of payment on paypal.
lauramumof2 said:
do you have a back up. If I bought something and paid by paypal and they couldnt get the money from my first account then the payment would come from my credit card which is my second method of payment on paypal.

No I took all my cards off except my debit card after I got robbed of £400 abut 18 months ago, at that point they refunded it to my card.........AND PAYPAL pmsl, I left it in Paypal for 12 months and they never claimed it back....so I spent it through ebay pmsl
Definately wait. If he contacts you to say he hasn't recieved payment then just tell him you thought it had gone through because of the feedback, then pay ASAP, instead of assuming Paypal has messed up and u end up paying it twice...ykwim.

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