What Would You Do?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Right ladies i have a dilem the o/h has had a brainwave and for him thats dangerous :lol: anyway he's come up with the idea of me going back to work full time whilst he goes to part time and stays at home looking after the kids bearing in mind in my job i can earn just as much as he does atm and tbh im really not sure ok so the money would be better for us and it would be handy to have but im just not syre weither i want to or not arrggghhhh i hate these sort of things to be mulling over in your mind it drives me nuts as i can never decide what to do for the best??? :?
well, to reply to the actual thread title, what I would do is let him do the full-time, i'd either go part-time or give up work altogether. i'm not a bread-winner type of person :)
It totally depends on your own situation. If the money etc is the same surely it's just up to you.
i agree its up to you, If it was me I wouldnt but thats me thats not you. When we decided to try for a baby i told Ian that if he really wanted children he had to be prepared to be the only one having a n income as under no cirumstances would i be going to work untill the baby was 1 as i think they benefit being with their mum.

Ian has suggested a couple times him being a full time parent and this sounds awful as he is a great dad but I know everything about Alfie where as Ian still gets the easy part of being able to say Steph im struggling help me because he never has to have him full time so i wouldnt feel 100% in myself if i was away from him.

But if its something you want to do then you should but the decision is yours
we have had the same discussion and thought about all options when we have a baby, I dont intend to go back to work until baby is atleast 9 months old and then it will be part time atleast for a couple of years, but if it turns out I can earn more money than OH (which is quite likely to be honest) then we have said he could go part-time and I go full-time. We couldnt both go full-time though.

I think its worth thinking about, but ultimately its your desicion and you shouldnt have to change anything if you dont want to :hug:
hi hun, its your decision if you would rather stay at home thats fine but also there is nothing wrong with letting him look after kids and you go back to work. hope you get things sorted xxxxx

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