What will your baby be sleeping in for first 6 weeks??


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Just wondering what everyone's bed plans are for little ones. I wanted a moses basket but as I got rid of mine after having my son we no longer have one and OH won't accept a 2nd hand one form friends! which means we will have to fork out for a brand new one something Im not happy about. This is our last child, so the basket wouldn't be used again and we still have other things to buy for baby which we are struggling to afford as it is.

Anyhow enough of my rant!! What are you planning for your little ones!?
I have bought a Moses basket. Orginally planned on getting a crib but then realised a Moses basket can be moved from room to room easier.

It all ready set up and waiting for him in the bedroom :D
our LO will be in our room in the moses basket until she outgrows it, then she'll have to go in her own room :cry: which i'll be gutted about. Beth stayed in with us until she was a year (im paranoid, lol) but we've since moved, and we've got a cotbed rather than a cot this time and it just wouldnt fit in our bedroom.

But i'll enjoy having her by my bed in her basket for as long as i can :D
I have a moses basket too! It was really cheap actually. I got it from Argos. I know that babies R us do them very cheap too. :D
I have a moses basket as well which was given to me by a friend.

Planning on putting LO in this till it has outgrown it then using a travel cot in our room, unless im brave enough to put Lo into the nursery.

Do you think you will have use for a travel cot? You could buy a travel cot with a bassinet rather than a moses basket then you get longer/more use out of it.

How about one like this http://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wcs...tdisplayA_42_10751_-1_14053_54842_10001_14053
I will be using a moses basket, but she will have her cot on the other side of my room (though it may as well be in a seperate room now, but thats a rant for another time, parents have pretty much cut my room in half)

I'm only using moses basket so i can have her wherever i am at all times, plus if we stay over my friends she's nice and easy to "transport" and it wont disrupt her, and if her daddy ever sees her she'll need it too
Charlie:-) said:
I have a moses basket as well which was given to me by a friend.

Planning on putting LO in this till it has outgrown it then using a travel cot in our room, unless im brave enough to put Lo into the nursery.

Do you think you will have use for a travel cot? You could buy a travel cot with a bassinet rather than a moses basket then you get longer/more use out of it.

How about one like this http://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wcs...tdisplayA_42_10751_-1_14053_54842_10001_14053

That is gorgeous!! Unfortunately we already have a travel cot and it's still in really good condition so doesn't need replacing, if it had the bassinet it would be ideal but it doesnt. Ive been searching internet all day and kiddicare is by far the cheapest site I have found for moses baskets, still not bought one though!!! :)
I'll be using a moses basket at first, my niece gave me her old one as my great nephew has just outgrown it.

Baby will be in our room for the first 6 months, we will have a cot in there for when he outgrows the moses basket
LO will be in a moses basket in our room. At a push we could probably squeeze the cot in when he or she outgrows the moses basket, it's already all assembled in baby's room :D
Moses basket for me.

Already have cot-bed assembled and up, but will use basket first as poor baby will be lost in a huge bed so soon!

I got one of the simple £30 models from Mothercare - will do the job fine for me!
We will be using a wooden crib, he can stay in that a bit longer next to our bed, we were going to get a moses basket to be able to move it about but then ended up getting a carrycot with the pram so can use that downstairs or when I am out :)
Baby will be in our room in the moses basket.

I just wanted a cheap one from Argos (all under £30), seems silly to spend loads on something that they outgrow so quickly, but MIL insisted on buying a stupidly expensive one from M&P. (There is absolutely no difference between them :roll: )
Our little one will sleep in his nursery in his cot for his day time naps and the a moses basket by our bed at night until we feel confident to put him in his own room all night as well. This will probably be when he is ony feeding once through the night so hopefully by 6 weeks.
I got a swing crib for next to the bed - mainly because I hope we can have the first 6 months all together. I bought a moses basket S/H for naps downstairs but I don't think we'll use it as the pram is a sleepover pram so to save space it may as well be the napping spot for downstairs as well!

I love the crib, it just really appeals to me because it seems so airy and she'll be a summer baby.
We've got Moses basket too.

Would you OH consider using the second hand basket if you bought a new mattress (which I believe is recommended anyway if a Moses basket is reused for another baby)?
Collier will be in a moses basket that im getting from my sister Melanie its only just under 2 years old so in tip top condition.

He will be next to me in the bedroom
oh i cant wait :hug: :cheer: :wave:
sarah :wave:

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