what weird things make your baby cry?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Just wondering if there is anything weird your baby is scared of. Seren cries when her daddy plays the didgeridoo (then again so do I) yet will listen to him for hours and even fall asleep to him playing death metal on his guitar :shock:

She is also scared of my grandpa, I think it is his low voice :?

Taking stuff off her too is another thing. If you take the sky remote off her she kicks of, throws herself back, goes rigid and really screams in rage. I didn't think this would happen til she was 2 :shock:
Brody fiddles with the sound on my clock radio next to the bed. Every morning he turns it up so loud he makes himself cry.

Sseren was doing that this morning with the remote, was teething on the volume button and it started to blast out. I still have ringing in my ears :rotfl:
Ewan screams if i hoover! so i have to hoover with him in one arm!

He also screams if u take the tv remote/phone etc - then throws head back, cries and has a general tantrum! (god knows what he'll be like when he's 2!! :wall:
Well yes... the remote control remains a hit!! Although, I took an old remote, removed the batteries and replaced them with a few coins.... now he loves shaking his remote control rattle. :cheer:

I have a lady that comes in once a week to help me with ironing.... Oscar is scared of her.... so am I really..... she's about 6 ft tall and 6 ft wide with dark eyes.... I can't get myself to tell her what to do as she looks like she can easily boil me up for her tea! She makes O cry! :cry: :D

Oscar doesn't like strangers being nice to him - he cries diplomatically! :D

I'm sure there's more - these will do - don't want anyone thinking the boys' a big girls blouse! :rotfl:

Emilia xx
Emilia- we've given Elliott an old remote too and he grabs it when I use ours, it's cute! He cries at a hairdrier and also crowd noises- I think the second stemmed from the world cup when he was loving it until we scored and all the guys shouted! By Nan gave us a bottle opener (that was 50p in a post-world cup sale) that cheers for England when you use it to open a bottle and even that made him cry!

Jack cries at ambulances and police cars! Well sirens really, we can be in the car, one goes past.. he cries.. 10 secs later he stops! :roll:

Thats it really, he doesn't cry much only when he wants something.
Zara doesn't cry that much but she doesn't like being picked up by the neighbours kids very much. She tries screaming at them and whacking them in the face but if that doesn't work she cries.

The other thing which makes me laugh (and her cry) is she has a toy giraffe and if I make it kiss her she acts shy at first and then if he persists she cries. She's fine with all the other toys.
Aimee screams if Jess gets her remote control car out. She trys to run away (in her walker)Lol. The hoover, taking anything off her, people eating in front of her and strangely her nan!
I know this is gonna sound like I'm boasting but it's the gods honest truth, Rubie only cries when she hurts herself or needs something. I honestly can't think of anything weird that makes her cry (at the moment!)
Noah screams at the hoover and also pulling off sellotape!

He also pulls himself upright on the gate and then cries cause he is to scared to sit down again?!?!

He Screams if you try to take anything off him like the remote, so normally I just let him play with it, occasionally he will but the subtitles on while Im watching corrie, but more bizzarly twice he has managed to grap the remote and switch it to the Red Hot Porn Channel?!?! :rotfl:
Lydia cries at certain people...I'm not sure how she determines who she is going to cry at and who she likes...she's just very particular about people.

She screamed her head off at my cousin Pierre when he came over for her Christening last month. No idea why...she was just HYSTERICAL. I kept thinking that maybe it's his french accent she didn't like, as my dad has one too and she always cries for the first 10 minutes when we go visit him (she does calm down with him eventually though, but then again his accent isn't as strong as Pierre's as he's lived in the UK for the past 19 years!)
So maybe that's it.
She is very wary of my mother's boyfriend aswell....she used to cry at him a lot but I think she's getting used to him a bit now, but still, she's not too happy about him.
Oh and she cries at both of Phil's brothers-in-law.

Sometimes we'll be out, and strangers will start chattering away at her and saying how cute she is, and sometimes she will smile and laugh, but other times she just instantly screws up her face and wails at them. Depends who it is...like I said she's very particular lol!

Other things:
people laughing too loudly...especially when Phil (DH) laughs loudly. Unless it involves her...if he laughs when playing with her then that's fine, but if he laughs at something else...maybe at something I've said or something he's read, it can really set her off. I think she thinks he's laughing behind her back at her, or not including her or something. Goodness knows! Anyway she doesn't like it!

Often she cries when you try to put clothes on her. She always has done though - she hates getting dressed. She's a bit better now with it but still moans a lot!

That's about it that's strange that I can think of.
Oh I've just thought of one!! She cries when I dry and dress her after her bath. She doesn't mind getting dressed at any other time but after her bath she goes mental! :lol:
Damien also throws a livid fit if I take the romote away - what is it with the remote?! I took the batteries out the telly one and he uses that but he still wants the sky one as he's realised it makes the channels change :lol:

Not sure what else he cries at really *tries to think*
Kim said:
Oh I've just thought of one!! She cries when I dry and dress her after her bath. She doesn't mind getting dressed at any other time but after her bath she goes mental! :lol:

OMG Seren is Roo's twin
beanie said:
Taking stuff off her too is another thing. If you take the sky remote off her she kicks of, throws herself back, goes rigid and really screams in rage. I didn't think this would happen til she was 2 :shock:

oh no, they have far bigger fish to fry when they are 2 Like mummys make up, preferably the lipstick.
Nothing really makes Jessica cry (toddler tantrum aside) but when I was singing 'rock a bye baby' her bottom lip started quivering and she nearly burst into tears.

Its not that nice a song when you thing about it :(
God Reece cries about everything at the moment he's a right little pappy bum :(

He's really scared of the dogs squeeky toys. If he hears the noise he'll cry until someone gives him a hug. I think he thinks someone is getting hurt :?

He's also scared of little girls and men (but not women and little boys-wierd).
Aaron cries when he hears his uncle talk. If he sees him he's fine but if he hears him he screams! Just as well we don't see him that much anymore :lol:
Cat I have a video on my phone of Ella laughing her head of at the sellotape lol!

Ella LOVES my keys she grabs them off me but when I take them off her to open the door she throws a tantrum its so funny bless! And she is also the same with the romote control have to take the batteries out otherwise she changes the channels. I didnt expect tantrums like this til about 1 or 2 either lol.

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