.... of my scan today
Ended up at the hospital at stupid hour in the morning (8.30)... only to be told they wanted to monitor me too..
Well there was a women there before me who was in "labour" and she needed monitoring too... So we are both put in the same room to monitored... her moaning and groaning and me just thoroughly annoyed that I didn't get a cup of tea this morning and now had bad heart burn.. grr..
Anyway, turns out that I was having more contractions that the other woman..
and I kept being asked if they were painful... but sadly no...
so I get rushed in for a scan only to be told little miss has popped out my pelvis..
typical.. knew she'd be just like Tia.
And I've been given a date for ANOTHER scan, because the fluid is low again and the baby is big... 3.3kg.. (7lb4... which isn't big, but it is to Spaniards)... Oh yes... and they won't class me as over due for 14 days after my due date apparently, and only then will they consider anything..
All in all a very unproductive appointment which makes me want to just go eat chocolate all day and sulk.

Ended up at the hospital at stupid hour in the morning (8.30)... only to be told they wanted to monitor me too..
Well there was a women there before me who was in "labour" and she needed monitoring too... So we are both put in the same room to monitored... her moaning and groaning and me just thoroughly annoyed that I didn't get a cup of tea this morning and now had bad heart burn.. grr..
Anyway, turns out that I was having more contractions that the other woman..

And I've been given a date for ANOTHER scan, because the fluid is low again and the baby is big... 3.3kg.. (7lb4... which isn't big, but it is to Spaniards)... Oh yes... and they won't class me as over due for 14 days after my due date apparently, and only then will they consider anything..
All in all a very unproductive appointment which makes me want to just go eat chocolate all day and sulk.