What was that!?!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Hiya everyone, hope your all feeling well :)
Right i just wanna decribe somthing that happened to me yesterday to see if its happened to anyone else, or if anyone knows what it was.

Id been walking round town with my mum for only about 20 minutes or so, when as usual i became desperate for the loo. I left my mum to go to the toillet (which was only a 2 minute walk away) and within that walk i got the most hurendous pain in my back and groin... it got so bad i almost fianted (my sight strated to go) as soon as i reached the toilet i was throwing up cos of the pain. (being sick bile cos i hadnt eaten yet) Then the fire alarm went of and i was told i had to evacuate the toilets (ffs!!) i could hardly walk and continued to throw up. The pain in my back was indescribable - it was all over, but more at the bottom, like a 'throbbing dull ache' except 'dull' wasnt dull it was SO PAINFUL. Same in my groin. My mum found me and said that i was the worst colour shes ever seen anyone ever. She thought i might have been in labour sat me down and calmed me down. after about 15 minutes the pains faded and faded till they were totally gone. Then i felt euthoria! lmao i was so glad that pain had gone and felt great for the rest of the day. Baby kicked more yesterday then she has done in a while - so im not worried or anything, now, but what the hell was it??
Ive had braxton hicks sinse 4 months (i have them so much like 100 times aday my MW is aware and she hasnt seen me once when ive havent been having a few braxon hicks through my check up.) And it wasnt like that AT ALL.
Tho my braxon hicks are becoming more painful (particularly at night, my tummy and back hurt so much i cant sleep for atleast 1-2 hours each night now) this was deffinatly different. And it didnt feel like nerve pain that ive ever had either.

I have a midwife appointment on thursday and will menchin it - but id just like to know if anyones experienced anything like this.
cheers. :)
Hiya, I don't know what the pain was but when I had visual distortions a few weeks ago I went into hospital and my iron level was extremely low and I had anaemia. Do you know what your iron level is like?

However, with all the symptoms combined I would take this very seriously as any extreme pain which makes you throw up, almost faint and have visual problems is something not to be taken lightly. Perhaps you should phone your midwife earlier and tell her that this happened or go into hospital so they can check your blood pressure, iron levels etc.

Good luck hon :hug:
I haven't has this either, I think you should call MW and have a chat, as Dinski said, the visuality thing could be due to iron levels or raised blood pressure, but the pains & vomiting are worth a check :hug: :hug:
wow that sounds scary hope everythings ok- look after urself! xxx
Id mention it to your midwife at your next appointment.

I have had high blood pressure in a previous pregnancy and remember them mentioning to look out for visual disturbance and sudden sharp abdominal pain - get them to check yours just in case. Doesnt sound like braxton hicks - although this is my 5th pregnancy I can honestly say I have only experienced mild discomfort and hardening over the last two weeks or so and has only been in this pregnancy.

Also i think our bowel movements have a lot to do with pain which can be misinterrupted with braxton hicks / labour pains. Its part of the pregnancy cycles of either being constipated one minute / normal / mad dash to the loo the next. Changes in hormone levels are happening all the time which in turn affect our digestive system.

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