What to expect at your Midwife appointments

Riley's Mommy

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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thought this might be a good idea, as i know i always like to know what to expect before i go.

so thought we could post our expieriences of our appointments.

ill post mine so far:

Booking in appointment
My midwife came to my house. she took my family history, and my OH' family history. she had a chat with me about risks, and abit about what to expect.

she took some blood from me. this was to test for things such as HIV and other risks.

16week Appointment:
this was to take bloods for Downs and Spinabifida risk assessment. she also tested my urine, took my blood pressure and listened for the babys heartbeat. took a little time to find as the baby had so much room to move around :)

anyone else?
on my first appointment (10 weeks) she
-booked me in
-took blood (to test for infections),
-blood pressure,
-weighed me
-felt my tum
-booked my first scan.

on my second appointment (17 weeks) she
-took a urine sample (from the morning)
-took more blood (for ds and sb)
-blood pressure again
-weighed me again
-felt my tum
-(didnt bother with the heart beat tho :( )

there was a student mw who took my bp and forgot to release the valve so my arm nearly dropped off :shock:

both these took place at my gp's office, they dont come to my house, dont know why :think:

I have my next appointment next week, what should i expect, been told by mw that she will try to listen to heartbeat.
tangerine dream am i right in saying she didnt check babys heart beat, omg that is so bad, it can be heard from 16 weeks so surly it must be a must

My 9 week booking in

i had blood preasure checked
wee for infections
felt my tum
booked scan
weighed me
took my height

16 week check ( which i had at 18 weeks)
heard babys heartbeat
took more blood for downs etc
measured bump
weighed me
blood preausre check
told to go back at 28 weeks for next appointment unless i had problems
8 week appointment:
Took blood
Tested urine
Got weighed
Blood pressure taken
Booked 12 week scan
Discussed tests for Spina Bifida and Downs
Discussed birth options

15 week appointment:
Blood for Spina Bifida and Downs taken
Next appointment made for blood results
Weight taken
Blood pressure
Urine tested
Heartbeat listened to :cheer:
sunshinestars said:
tangerine dream am i right in saying she didnt check babys heart beat, omg that is so bad, it can be heard from 16 weeks so surly it must be a must

I have'nt heard my baby's heartbeat yet either, I seem to be getting a bit less than everyone else.

Week 8 Booking Appointment (at my house , i think it is because I live in a rural area.)
Took Bloods for full screening
Urine Sample
Family History
She did'nt measure me I had to tell her my height.
She did'nt weigh me so I had to tell her my weight.
Blood pressure check.
and gave me all leaflets etc and booked my scan in.

Week 11First Scan
then a visit to midwife, nothing checked just asked if I wanted spina bifida , downs syndrome test . booked me in for that and my GTT blood test and told me my due date was now four days later than before.

Week 16
Bloods taken for down syndrome and spina bifida
Weighed me.

I'm a bit worried because my blood pressure was a bit higher than normal on booking appointment (she said nothing to worry about though) and has'nt been checked since and nobody has asked how I'm doing etc. when I've seen them. Just felt quite rushed to be honest.
Week 8:
Home visit by midwife.
Urine and blood sample taken.
BP checked.
General counselling advice.

Week 12:
Ultrasound scan at hospital.
Blood sample for Down's and spina bifida testing taken at hospital (1st part of integrated test)

Week 15:
Blood sample for Down's and spina bifida testing taken at hospital (2nd part of integrated test)

Week 16:
Antenatal check at GP.
Urine and BP checked.
No listening to heart beat.

That's all I've had so far.
8 weeks first apt booking in - drs surgery
She weighed me
I forgot to bring a urine sample :oops:
took blood pressure
discussed up coming tests
Filled in Green Folder (she didn't ask about our families histories.
Gave me phone number to book scan myself.
answered any questions I had

13 weeks private scan
Nucal scan - As I am 39 and its not offered at my hospital until age 40 I had to go private.

15 weeks - hospital
had bloods drawn for hiv, sphylis & hepC I didn't want the triple test done .

17 weeks Drs surgery
took blood pressue
measured me
check urine
listened to heatbeat
answered any questions I had

Won't see mw now until 26 weeks I have my 20 week scan next week and that's classed as a visit even tho I won't actually see mw.
i cant belive not many of you have heard your babys heart beat yet.. i have on every pregnancy at 16 weeks..
big hugs to you all.. you will be so excited when you do, its worth waiting for... :hug:
sunshinestars said:
i cant belive not many of you have heard your babys heart beat yet.. i have on every pregnancy at 16 weeks..
big hugs to you all.. you will be so excited when you do, its worth waiting for... :hug:

thank you. i will hear it next week at my 24 week appointment :cheer:

ive seen it on both scans so i know its still beating (oh, and i get kicked several times a day which is a big clue lol)

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