What time does your toddler go to bed??

My 1 year old goes at 6pm (has been known to ask to go at 5.30pm) and my 5 year old goes at 6.30/7pm! crazy huh!

They are up at 5.50am though when I get up :)
Personally in my head I'd prefer they went to bed early purely for selfish reasons to have some child free time lol
Earlier to bed the earlier theyll rise as theyll sleep as long as they need x
8pm seems to be the bedtime we've arrived at now too for our nearly 17m old. She's set the pace on this. She's still sleeping 2 hours in the day from 12-2 and up at 6.30-7. We do tend to get brief night wakings still for a variety of reasons (teeth, tummy, coughs/cold) but she's not ever been the best sleeper, any little thing will wake her at night.

I least I will be used to getting up in the night still when the new baby comes!
My boys are 3 years 9 months and 2yrs. They both go to bed at 8pm and always have done. They share a room and usual wake at 6.30ish, 7am if I'm lucky lol. My eldest needs at 30 min nap every 3-4 days and my youngest naps for 45 mins from 12.30ish. I wake him after 45mins or he'd still be rolling around in his bed at 9pm or later! I think he'll drop his nap in the next few months. Once they've both dropped their naps I'll try a 7-7.30pm bedtime to make sure they get enough sleep x
Putting James to bed before he was tired certainly wasn't condusive to having any adult time!!

He simply wouldn't sleep and would get quite stressed / upset, we soon discovered it was much easier to have him up until he was actually tired. I guess we could have resorted to putting him to bed with a DVD player [we don't have a tablet] but that was the one thing we didn't try as he has enough screen time.

Working FT I actually didn't mind the fact I had the whole evening with him. I'd have hated to get in at 5.30pm and have him in bed an hour later?

OH and I still have plenty of time together as adults. Although not so much with number 2 being here now :shock:

I am sure once he starts nursery full time this will all change, as I say when we have a full on day and no nap he is in bed much earlier.

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Noah goes down between 7/7.30pm.. Wakes between 6/6.30am very rarely will he sleep later!
Naps for around 2hrs in the day.

Daughter is 2.2 and usually we do bath at 7, stories in bed at around 7.20 then usually asleep by 7.30 and she generally wakes at 7. She has a 1.5-2hr nap everyday.
Hi holi x We put Matthew down about 7.15/30ish and he falls asleep pretty quickly no matter how lively and awake he's been. Wakes any time between 6.30-7.30am. Naps same as Rosie. I don't think there's anything wrong with her going down when she does. It annoys me when people pass judgement on what you do with your child. If it works for you guys then there's no problem at all xx
Since my lb has been shortening and sometimes even dropping his nap to sleep it all through the night it's all over the place.. On average with a bit of luck and he skips his nap all together he falls asleep between 7 and half 8 in the evening and then he'll sleep until the morning about 8-9 ish.. He then might alternate with having a nap.. If this is later than 2-4 ish he tends to not go asleep as late as midnight! No matter how hard we try.. Has he had a nap between 2-4 he tends to go asleep between 20-60 mins between half 9 and 11... Though does depend on how long he kips where and how late and stuff.. But if he makes it late he lies in at the morning and it messes it up again!

Oh and the clock changing nonsense doesn't make it any better!!

Honestly I can't wait until he drops the naps all together, I do think that's a massive influence what can mess it up very easily because even when he stretches it the latest he gone asleep without napping it like half 8-9 so imagine the eventful evening a nap on such day would bring!
My 17 month old goes to bed around 8.30 every night too. If I put her up any earlier she just cries as she is not tired. I don't think 8.30 is unreasonable to be honest x
My daughter's 3 years old and my son 17 months. With both mine we "aimed" for a 7pm bedtime, but they've both naturally shifted this themselves, so are in bed by around 6/6.15pm and asleep by 6.45. They wake around 6/6.30am, but are usually happy to play in their room until 7am. My son has a daytime nap of around 2 hours in the middle of the day and occasionally my daughter will have one too, but not every day.

I think some of the reason for the different bedtimes is genetic - I've never been someone who can stay up all that late (still like to be in bed by 9.30pm!) and prefer to get up early. I'd hate to have my kids up until the sort of time I go to bed - I like to have some child-free time in the evening.
I deffo think this is a personality thing. My daughter is a night owl so doesn't go to bed til 8ish and there's no chance I'd get her down any earlier - she takes after me!
Don't listen! If it works for you it's fine, you would know yourself if you needed to move bedtime earlier.

Millie goes to bed about 7 but that's just because she is tired then, she has been to bed later but I think the best thing for them is a constant routine no matter what time it is xx
D used to go to bed sometime after 9. He set the approximate time himself, seems to be more like me, a night owl lol. I never minded because his dad doesn't get in til after 7 most nights, so if he were in bed by 7, he'd only see his dad at the weekend :(

Recently, however, he's been getting tired enough that he's in bed asleep by 7 now and up again by 8 am. I know come September when he starts nursery this will be a good thing, but right now I'm missing my lie ins lol.
Whatever works for you and your family is the best bed time.
7pm is bedtime in our house for both girls.
No put Madison to bed first then come through to my room and feed Erraid. She falls asleep by 7.30pm and Madison has more often than not dropped off.
Madison will sleep through until 7am usually and still naps in the day z
Mrswoody I was just having a nosey at your ticker to see how old Erraid is. Apparently you are 67 weeks and 5 days pg still lol. I gave up trying to work it out lol.
Violet..I've never got round to changing it lol
Erraid is 6 months old x

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