What time does your baby go to bed & wake up ?

Jessica toddles through to bed at 8 and toddles back out at between 6&7.
oh christ :shock: I should'nt be moaning then, 6am is obiously pretty good!
I know at first they wake all over the place and feed etc but from about 4 -5 months I thought they were supposed to sleep for about 12hours at night....

You 5am girls - poor you, can you not get them back off if they wake then? Thats just too early, i'd be a wreak.
A few, maybe 4 months ago Jess was going down at about 7ish but then would have 12 hours if not 13 but then it all went to pot and she started not sleeping well at all, up through the nights for a couple of weeks and now its settled down to 8 till between 6&7.
But I have a few factors affecting this, putting her in her big bed, new baby on the way.
I feel very lucky to have had her sleep the way she has but know there are many folk who's babys just dont sleep.
Out of my 4 only one has been a 'sleeper'. Charlotte still gets up at 6am of her own accord, Daniel used to but now we have to shout him half a dozen times. Callum still sleeps a good 12 hours every night.

I think they all have their own natural sleep times. I don't know about the other 5am wakers but Alex is full of beans when he wakes. There's no way he'd go back off. He doesn't have his breakfast until 7am, so he's not waking hungry, it's just 'cmon mum, time to start the day'. It's also the only time of day he'll play happily without demanding someones full attention so I can get loads of housework done before anyone else gets up, or come on here (preferred choice :wink: ) I've already done laundry, ironing, kitchen clean and bottles.

We've managed to persuade him to have 2 one hour naps during the day, allbeit cuddled up to me or OH :?

Kiara goes down at 9 and wakes up around 5 am then has a feed then goes back down till about 830-930am .
This has only been the past two weeks mind you and before this would wake up every two hours and eat every two hours 24/7
Duds said:
but from about 4 -5 months I thought they were supposed to sleep for about 12hours at night....

hun, thats a common misconception. Babies are supposed to wake every few hours to feed. Their tiny metabolisms arent supposed to allow them to sleep massive lengths of time. In the uninhibited breastfeeding baby's life they will wake every 3 or 4 hours (often more freq) for a lot longer than 5 months! (with exception of a few breastfed babies who do sleep through the night early) Its all part of natures way of a) ensuring AF stays away to provide mom with a break before falling pg with next baby b) keeps milk lvels up - prolactin levels up in the night time and c) keeps mother and baby close - they 'disturb' each other in the night while co-sleeping to allow easy feeding, gentle contact and providing stimulation that prevents a baby slipping..well..you know... You have to remember that with the exception of the 'modern' western world, most babies are carried from morning to night by their familes. Some don't even touch the ground until they are 6 months old and may feed up to 4 times an hour (5 - 10 mins at a time) while attached to mommy's chest in a sling/mei tai etc

Its only since the advent of 'formula' that babies have slept 'through the night' from early days. Its akin to living on fish suppers (fish and chips to those south of the border) - you'd be sleepy too.

Disclaimer: Absolutely unbiased information. Its fact, and I hold nothing against babies or mothers who sleep longer than 3 hour stretches :D
I just think that when she is a teenager I can get my own back and disturb her lie ins :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Jacob goes to bed at 8pm (sometimes he screams for 15 mins sometimes he doesn't!) Wakes at about half 6 sometimes 7am. Give him a dream feed at half 10.

He sleeps much better now we've got him a musical mobile to admire in the morning and a black out blind to stop the nasty sunshine getting mummy out bed too early.

He's awesome though. Been sleeping through from about 2 wks old in his own room. Followed the Contented Little Baby books loosely. Only recently been putting him to bed at 8 though due to the same reason as you Melhoney - wanted OH to get as much time as poss with him in the evening.
aaliyah goes down about 8 oclock and wakes up approx half 6 - 7 in the morning lol
Aaliyah is a beautifyl name, that was my second choice, but preferred Maheen as it started with a M (and that's a long story why a M Lol!)

Mel xx

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