What time do you go to bed?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Im just curious :D

I go to bed at 10 every night sometimes 10.30 if im busy. But i watch tv in bed or play on the psp so im never asleep before 11. DD still comes to bed at the same time as me has a feed then goes into her cot although im trying to get her bedtime earlier :wall:

This seems so normal to me now :rotfl:
Whenever my eyes tell me enough is enough!!!!!!!!
late :oops:

Anytime between 11pm and 1am. I get into bed about 11-12am but always read for about an hour.
If Brian is away I just cant go to bed for some reason - so usually 3am

If he is home usually about 1am

But I always go to bed, read the Sky News Active then put on Fox for a bit of American news then lights off
usually about now (10pm) but anytime between now and half 10 is normal, during the weekends i'm sometimes wild and stay up until 11pm :dance:
Not early enough :oops:
Usually anytime between 11pm and 1am.
anytime between about 10 and 12 depends how tired I am but usually end up nattering to OH for ages!!
Depends what shift Ohs on, if its nightshift i cant sleep very well without him/at all so sometimes i stay up so we can crash together when he gets in, but generally about 12-2 depending :)
Angel has decided she has incredible energy between 9pm and midnight! So about then really.
Around midnight, sometimes later, then up by 7. No wonder I'm always tired
around midnight... but I'm up at 6 (thats 5am UK time :lol: )
usually midnight. keep saying, every day, that 'im having an early night' but never manage to!
i go to bed when im tired but lay there forever till i fall asleep
jennifer1981 said:
usually midnight. keep saying, every day, that 'im having an early night' but never manage to!

I say the same thing everyday to,
I always end up in bed about 10-11 but have to read b4 i can go sleep.
We go to bed about 630. lol. I feed Cooper for about an hour then he falls asleep. I then watch tv,read or go on laptop till about 9ish then fall asleep. :)
Usually between 10 and 11pm, but it takes me ages to actually go go to sleep. I can be falling asleep on the settee but then when I get in bed i'm wide awake. On a weekend usually we go about midnight.

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