what the ......


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2012
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My boobs have been a little sore today so I took my bra off when I got home , then my nipples felt wet , I looked down and there were wet patches on my top ( just a bit) so I got my boob out (lol) and squeezed a little and a milky discharge came out (just a dribble) my nipples are now really sore! Has anyone ever experienced this? Xxxx
I only had this when I was pregnant with my son to be honest :/ around 25 weeks ish. Have you done a test? how many dpo are you? xx
I think I'm only about 9 or 10 dpo , I haven't done a test ... Didn't think there was any point because we haven't dtd much this cycle. I'm quite concerned though , never had this ever before xxx
I can still squeeze a tiny little milk out and my ds is three. Never had it before being pregnant though. It can indicate a high level of prolactin in your blood which can happen without pregnancy. Definately sounds like a good sign. Worth discussing with the gp if you are not pg and its new though.
Thank you girls , I'm sure its nothing but couldn't help but worry xxxx
It can be caused by excessive nipple stimulation. I get it fairly frequently as d/h is a boob man

From Tapatalk
I've always been able to get a little milk and I've had one pregnancy ending in miscarriage very early but I was able to do this before that. However I really hope yours is because you're about to get your BFP x

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