What should their poo look like?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Sofia is almost 3 weeks old, and it's not occured to me really, I've just read something about diarrhoea and sofias poo is always really runny. Its bright yellow like mustard colour, but always like watery I guess, is that ok?
Yea very normal. Oscars was Like this for 6 months x
Sounds like what Charley's were like. His reminded me of a korma! Lol
Islas is the same, when she decides to do one. It should be similar to wholegrain mustard (bits in it and runny) x
Yep sounds normal :) Lizzie had a bit of diarrhoea after her jabs and it was a pure explosion, it was like frothy water and leaked out of her nappy everywhere. You definitely know when it's not right!
Yeah,sounds just like kieron's. Completely normal 4 breastfed babies xx
Perfectly normall for breast fed babies Hun x
Oh....just for breast fed babies? I bottle feed but would also describe aidens poo as lumpy curry sauce, although lately it's more like a curry paste, much easier to handle!! Hope this is on? X
Let's not forget the smell! Eva's poos smells like sour milk (which is precisely what her poos consist of anyway :rofl:)

I'm so loving the bright yellow and impossible to remove stains on hr clothes when she explodes out of her nappies(!) Not!
Yeah Aidens sounds the same too and he's bottle fed.
Chaz you've totally put me off curries now :rofl:
Hahaa but doesn't it look like it?! I said to tim, Charley's been eating Indian again!!
Urgh Friday nights are balti nights... Think tomorrow will be Chinese instead lol
Let's not forget the smell! Eva's poos smells like sour milk (which is precisely what her poos consist of anyway :rofl:)

I'm so loving the bright yellow and impossible to remove stains on hr clothes when she explodes out of her nappies(!) Not!

Haha I totally agree, good job I have loads of vests and he's just getting ready for the next size so I've been chucking them! The bright yellow poo stains will not come out!
Thanks chaz that's good!
sweet. thanks. im glad its normal lol, i hate curry anyway, so yeah it looks exactly like korma! lol! x
I had to do an exam about poo-ey newborn nappies... They used Marmite for meconium *shudder*
Islas is the same, when she decides to do one. It should be similar to wholegrain mustard (bits in it and runny) x

Is that just for BF babies, or FF ones too?
'Cause that sounds like Linzie's poop, but she's FF? x
Let's not forget the smell! Eva's poos smells like sour milk (which is precisely what her poos consist of anyway :rofl:)

I'm so loving the bright yellow and impossible to remove stains on hr clothes when she explodes out of her nappies(!) Not!

Haha I totally agree, good job I have loads of vests and he's just getting ready for the next size so I've been chucking them! The bright yellow poo stains will not come out!
Thanks chaz that's good!

I sooo agree too, nightmare, having to carry more spare clothes for when out as Devon poops all the time , really airshooting ones and watery runny poop goes all up his back. Have found srubbing with a bar of vanish stain soap really near gets stains out even after the first failed wash (bit cleaner to handle then!).

My other three babies were bottle fed and poops were nothing like this, makes yo think they have diaorea doesn't it Lexi.

On the plus side, Devons hardley ever really smell. My bottle fed babies poops really stank, and if you were in a cofee shop at the time, there was no waiting to change it, for the sake of others noses!!:whistle:

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