What should i do??


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I'm a teeny bit worried!
I think i've mentioned that Tally has been quieter this week, but its starting to worry me a little.
She was moving a bit yesterday morning, then went quiet, and never had her usual wakeful period at night :? I tried poking her, and drinking coke, and eating jaffa cakes and marshmallows and all she did was twitch a little then sleep. Oh and then she got hiccups.

Thing is i dont know what i can do to stop myself worrying, she IS moving, just not a lot, she hasnt been up this morning but she has twitched a little, and i can still easily find her HB on my dopler.

I guess i'm just a little scared cos she's usually SO active, i've come so far in this pregnancy and now suddenly i'm really scared of losing her :(

Oh and i mentioned it to midwife yesterday, said she had been quieter, but that she was moving (this is before she decided not to move on the evening or this morning) and she said it was ok as long as she is moving and she checked HB anyway at appointment etc
It's most probably nothing at all to worry about but it's probably best to give your midwife a call just to be on the safe side.

You never know, it ight be a sign that labour is imminent!

Alex xxx
I don't know the best way not to worry. Maybe you should tell then hospital she has hardly moved. They may put you on a CTG monitor so the babies heart pattern and rythm can be monitored closely. They will check for accelarations and will not let you off until she has moved enough to make them happy.
Its like reading about myself hun .

I was so used to a pattern and then she went so much quiter and at around your stage aswell.
I was constantly trying to get her to move which she did eventually but it could take a while at times.
Some days she did not move until late afternoon but then I'd get some movements from her.
It gets you all panicky I know but I tried to remember she was quickly running out of room to move like she used to.
As long as she moves 10 times a day then all is well hun.
I've decided now, after worrying myself more by googling ( i should have learnt by now never to google when worried) that if she isnt moving after i've eaten lunch i'm gonna give them a ring.

I'm gonna get dopler out now and monitor it myself, i tried last night and it seemed to be speeding up, then settling down a lot, but im not sure if i was imagining it as i was worried
She might just be getting herself ready to make an enterance hun, i know its easy to say try not to worry, but doing it is a different story.

I would ring your MW and explain and maybe you might have to go and be monitored.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sara is right. I think they often slow down a bit when it is nearer the time to pop. I think it must be energy reservation :)

There is never any harm in getting checked though :hug:
My babies were both quiet for a few days before birth, I'd feel them shift as if trying to get comfy - But not a lot more than that - Don't forget there isn't much room to move in now!

If you are worried, ring your Midwife - Everything is most likely fine but if you can get a hospital appointment to get monitored, at least you can relax and conserve that nervous energy ready for the birth!

My Mum said the same that in the last few weeks LO goes quiet before they are born, but you can always give your MW a ring just to be sure

:hug: :hug:

I reckon the other girls are right. She is probably just conserving energy as she is going to make the move to come out and meet you any day now. I know it is difficult not to worry and I also know I would be worrying too.

Definitely give your midwife a ring, that is what they are there for. I'm sure everything is fine though :hug:
In the days before Sam made his appearance he was a lot quieter than I was used to.
Same here as others have said.

In the run up to my labour starting Galen went quieter and didn't move so much. Hardly knew he was there tbh as he really did stop wriggling lots. He did however do an epic turn from LOL to ROL the day before he was born :shock: :shock: :shock: How he still had room to flip over like a pancake I shall never know, but he did.
I'd ring the M/W just to put your mind at rest, i'm sure everythings fine but its always better to be on the safe side :hug: xx
Just rang midwife and they want me to go up to the hospital for a trace just to be on the safe side. I'm sure she's fine, but i cant help worry, i'm so used to her responding to food and sugar and she's just not doing it.

I really hope she's just following in the footsteps of a lot of you're babies and just getting ready for her grand exit!!
Hey hun. Hope everythings okay. I'm sure it will be. I PM'd you the other day. Don't know if you got it or not! :hug:
Sherlock said:
Same here as others have said.

In the run up to my labour starting Galen went quieter and didn't move so much. Hardly knew he was there tbh as he really did stop wriggling lots. He did however do an epic turn from LOL to ROL the day before he was born :shock: :shock: :shock: How he still had room to flip over like a pancake I shall never know, but he did.

My bubba switched every couple of hours! including ending up back to back! - that was why i didn't dilate for AGES.lol.

abcd1234 - always get checked out, it's the best thing to do, they won't mind checking you out and it'll put your mind at rest
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Let us know how it goes at the hospital! :hug:

You are due very soon so maybe she is just resting and getting her energy stored up.
I'm back. everything seems fine, they put her on a trace and she moved a little whilst it was on, kept kicking the monitor thingy lol. They also did all the normal midwifey things like check urine etc, everything looks fine.

My BH were registering on the trace but they're not very strong yet. She also quickly scanned her if it was position preventing me feeling stuff, she's definitely head down, and was in a good position, but she couldn't get her to move whilst she was scanning. They checked my fluid levels, they're the bottom end of normal.

She said to keep an eye on her movement but everything they could do seemed fine and if she's not tomorrow to ring back and go back up. I'm quite happy for now that she's ok in there, i was most concerned about what her HR was doing or if she was distressed but she seems ok.

One of the ladies from my antinatel classes was up there too, and a lady in tears cos she'd been throwing up all day, i overheard them saying they're keeping her in and inducing her!

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