What should I do?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hi girls,

I really don't know what to do and hope you can advise! Eary Tuesday morning I woke up with severe cramping in my abdomen, after a while it eased and I was able to go back to sleep. I didn't go to work that day because of it and also today. It's milder now than when it started off, and occasionally I get a stabbing pain in the right side of my abdomen. I haven't had any bleeding atall and because of this I haven't gone to the docs. I usually have really bad sickness which lasts all day and that has been easing since these pains. Is there any chance I could be losing my baby? :(
crampings very normal.. your bowls are moving up too now so perhaps you have a bit of constipation along with stretching pains.. if you have had no bleeding i would say everythings fine.. take some paracetamols and rest..
I agree with Lisa but to put your mind at rest it wouldnt do any harm to contact your midwife or local early pregnancy unit and see if they will give you a reasurance scan. good luck and let us know how you get on. :hug:
Thanks for your replies, I eneded up phoning NHS Direct who said go straight to A&E. They said it's a good thing that the pain has eased since yesterday but because I'm under 8 weeks I need to be checked at the hospital. Will let you know how i get on.
poppy160 said:
Hi girls,

I really don't know what to do and hope you can advise! Eary Tuesday morning I woke up with severe cramping in my abdomen, after a while it eased and I was able to go back to sleep. I didn't go to work that day because of it and also today. It's milder now than when it started off, and occasionally I get a stabbing pain in the right side of my abdomen. I haven't had any bleeding atall and because of this I haven't gone to the docs. I usually have really bad sickness which lasts all day and that has been easing since these pains. Is there any chance I could be losing my baby? :(

contact your midwife ASAP/ severe cramping as you describe is not normal and you should be checked out.
Its probably nothing but better safe than sorry.

hope all is well
Try not to worry Poppy but get seem as soon as you can. Let us know how you get on xxxxxx
Went to A&E who admitted me to the Gynae Ward..had a really bad time there. All me and OH wanted to know was that the baby was okay. They did a scan which turned out to be fine but the lady put me back to six weeks, so that makes me 6 weeks and 2 days not 7 and 2 days :( . Anyway when they discovered it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy they shoved me in a side room and then that was it! I was still in alot of pain and nobody came to give me medication unless I asked for it, and even then it took them an hour to get round to it. The next day they tried to tell me the pain was caused by constipation which was complete b**s**t but they said to stay in anyway, had my blood pressure done at 10.45 and it was 85/60!!Which I was worried about, I was feeling dizzy and shaking like mad. I told the nurses I was worried and they told me it was fine which I don't believe. I kept asking for somebody to check it all day and nobody did, in the end I made them do it ant they did at 11.15pm. I felt like it was a problem with me being there they were all so mean to me. I never caused any problems, apart from the whole blood pressure thing but I was worried for my baby. They discharged me yestersday with constipation..but they were giving me codiene which causes constipation..so turns out they made me worse! Can't take codiene cause I need to be not constipated so I'm just living with the pain now. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: [/b]
:hug: sorry u had a bad time at hosp but glad ur babys ok.
glad your on the mend , time to try all those consitipation releifs :wall:

great news about the baby :D sorry for the way you were treated some people just turn into machines when working and forget they are looking after actual people with feelings, it makes you wonder why they went into the job in the first place. Your bp does sound a bit low but low bp is common in early pregnancy i think this is one of the reasons why you are tired in early pregnancy. I dont think its anything to be getting worried about you should maybe make an appointment with your gp or practice nurse to keep a check on it, sometimes your bp can go low if you have been lying down for a while or not had anything to eat for a while.
Glad everything is ok with your baby and sorry you had a bad experience at the hospital, they can be really insensitive sometimes :hug: .

Have some nice rest and relaxation time now.
So glad that your little one is ok.

Blimey - with hospital/care staff like that, who needs enemies :shakehead:

Do you have a choice of hospitals to go to when the actual birth comes along? I haven't checked any out yet where I am, but I know from one of my friends that they can differ significantly in care. I'm definitely checking out the one she recommended - it's a bit further away to get to but apparently they are happy for you to stay in up to a week if you want it rather than shoving you out the door the following day, and also very helpful in getting you confident with breastfeeding too.
think the hossy near me turnaround in 6 hours if all goes well with a vag birth :shock:
Thanks for all your kind replies, the pain is still here and is getting worse but there's no way in hell I'm going back there. I will still go to the same hospital for the birth, it's a newly built part of the hospital so very posh, and it'll be a completely different ward so that will be fine.
Glad to hear your baby is ok and I'm so sorry that the hospital were less than helpful.

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