Stomach pain


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Morning All

I just want to know if what I'm feeling is some sort of growing or stretching pain, or if I need to be concerned.

Last night, everything was fine until about 9pm when I stood up to go to bed. I went to get a glass of water and got a very bad stabbing cramping pain around my rib cage, just under my boobs. It was so bad I had to sit down clutching my ribs, and it almost brought tears to my eyes. It eased off after about 5-10 minutes, so I went to bed. I've woke up twice in the night to go to the loo and everything was okay.

Now this morning I have noticed that all of my ribs feel bruised, really as if I've been punched. And more worrying, when I stand up or walk, I get a stabbing pain in my lower right abdomen. It is quite painful, to the stage that I am holding my lower tummy when I walk. I already have quite a large bump, and it is at the underside/bottom of the bump.

I have had no bleeding whatsoever, and no extra or lessening of normal cm.

Is this normal, or should I call the midwife?
Really not sure what that could be! Unless little one was kicking you, but I would have thought it was a bit early for kicks that strong.

Id ring the midwife just to be on the safe side and for a little reassurance.
It sounds like gas. Its really sodding sore. What about some rennie or something to make you burp but still see the midwife, you poor wee soul.
Sorry you know me. I worry about everything. I dont really know what it is but would also call MW just to make sure everything is OK. On most websites it does say that pains is stomach are normal. So hopefully everything is ok. Probably L/O having a party inside you.
lauramum01 said:
It sounds like gas. Its really sodding sore. What about some rennie or something to make you burp but still see the midwife, you poor wee soul.

Thanks Laura, that made me laugh so it made me feel a little better!! :lol: I'll be the one at the age of 50 being wheeled into the ER with a suspected heart attack and it's gas!!!! :oops:

Unfortunately I can't burp. I never ever have burped in my life. Even after pints of fizzy stuff.

Thanks for the advice ladies, I think I'll call them now.
Hi Tankett, I hope you feel better soon. I agree with the others about calling the midwife just to be on the safe side. Let us know how you get on.

Tankett.. have you been on the baked beans again?? :wink:

Seriously... I too would call the midwife.. maybe she can get her doppler out to reassure you and have a feel of your tummy / abdomen to check all is OK...

take it easy if you can

Hi tankett

I too had uncomfortable and stabbing pains earlier in this pregnancy ( about 8 weeks), I mentioned it to my midwife esp as I had accidently been stepped on :shock: (don't ask lol).

she said that alot of women say that the strecting of ligerments cause shotting pains but sent me for an early scan just to make sure and everything was fine.

also in reguards to gas I always get my OH to give me an all over back rub (with moisturiser), that seems to help shift it :oops: not very romantic I know but it feels much better.

Hi hun, you do get a fair bit of ligament pains at this point in the pregnancy as your womb is now coming out of your pelvis and forming your bump! I'd still ring the midwife though, she might send you for a scan. If she does don't worry, just see it as an opportunity to see your little one! :)
The bloody midwife number at the hospital has been engaged for the past hour!!!

Edited - Right, finally got through only to be told that as I am only 12 weeks (only!! :shock: ) I still fall under the jurisdiction of my gp and to phone them. Only problem is that I forgot until I had put the phone down that the bloody surgery closes on a Thursday afternoon, and now I can;t get back through to the midwifes line!!!

I think I'll leave it and see how I go. Both the wind/gas and moving ligaments theories sound good to me, and if it gets any worse, I'll just go straight to the hospital later.
Hi Tankett,
I hope your pain and discomfort has passed.
hi tankett i get this a lot actually got stuck led down in bath on saturday night lol ive spoke to my midwife about it and was told not to worry about it unless accomanied by bleeding or if it stays and does not ease off.
heres something i copied off another site for you xxx

As I gain weight with this pregnancy, my lower abdomen aches sometimes. Is this normal?
It's quite typical. This aching, as opposed to cramping, is usually caused by the stretching of the muscles and ligaments supporting your womb (uterus). You'll probably feel it when you're getting up from a bed or chair, when you cough or when you get out of the bath.

When should I call my doctor or midwife?
Don't hesitate to call any time abdominal aching is accompanied by severe pain or cramping, bleeding, fever, chills or a feeling of faintness.

What can I do to relieve this discomfort?
Sit down, put your feet up, and relax. When you feel this aching, resting comfortably should alleviate your symptoms. Don't forget, it's a perfectly normal complaint of pregnancy, and it gives you an excuse to get off your feet — and even be waited on.

hope this helps hun xxxxx
Thanks Rach, that helps loads! xxx It's been especially bad today because I have been in a filthy room with 2 massive printers, printing all of the companies invoices and statements, so I keep sneezing from the dust! I have to hold my tummy when I sneeze!!! I'm off home now to put my feet up. Daughter is grounded so she can wait on me!! And DH is on call tonight so will probably be out most of the night. I'm looking forward to some peace!

I can't believe you're off to the third trimester already when I'm just about to join the second!!!!

I feel like everyone else's pregnancy is flying by whilst mine is dragging!! :lol: Always impatient! :shock:
i've never had a pain under my ribs but i do get a sharp pain in my lower back towards my sides when i get up in the morning... (near the kidney area) i put it down to holding a lot of water during the nite (i can pee like a race horse in the morning) - i still don't get up to go the loo during the nite... once i'm out i'm out.... could be that your little one is lying in a way that is pushing other bits n bobs upwards....

awww first trimester does drag tankett hun but it will soon fly by and you will wonder where time has gone :D
make sure you take it easy tonight and run daughter ragged lol :wink:
if pain is really bad hun or if your at all worried give midwife a ring hope it eases soon xxxxx
Hi Tankett,

Hope you're feeling a bit better, how's the pain now? I can't remember when the pain started for me (as it feels like i've been pregnant forever, it could've started in 1995!), the top of my bump hurts, just under my boobies alot sometimes, I think its probably a mixture of all your muscles, ligaments and boobs growing that are pressing on nerves and sending pains shooting around.

Also, pains down below are apparently because the baby is coming up out of the pelvis and is all perfectly normal. If it all starts up again take some paracetomol and have a little lay down and rest lots, easier said than done tho!

You could also try ringing the NHS help line to put your mind at rest.

Let us know how you're doing.

Well, the pains are still there today, but it's more like a dull ache all over my tummy, and not the stabbing pains from yesterday. I'm also very tender to the touch, and the area just above my belly button has gone hard! :shock:

I think things are just moving about in there because I look very pregnant today.

Thanks for all your words of comfort and advice.
My uterus is just below my belly button ... thats was yesterday ...

By week 16 it should be above your belly button ... thats what makes your tummy go hard!! (Gosh i like sounding clever!!)

I had some really bad pains and still do get them ... mainly at night but i find lying on myside (Either doesn't matter) with a pillow between my knees with a hot water bottle either on my back or wrapped in a towel on my abdomen helps loads!!!

My bedtime now consists of : Warm milk ... streachy t-shirt ... hot water bottle and pillow between the knees!!!

Might work 4 u 2 :)
Hiya Tankett,

I didn't have time to come on yesterday (went shopping with my mum!).

I have stabbing pains every now and then, it hurts more if I get up quickly, like a sharp stabbing pain in my lower abs.
My stomach has also gone really hard recently, and I really do look pregnant now.

At this time our little ones are growing so quickly, that we are bound to experience weird pains and niggles. Everything moves up aswell to make room for the baby.

I try not to worry about the discomfort your feeling, but if it get worse or if you are still worried later, go straight to A&E, it's worth it to get peace of mind.

Take care and let us know how your doing later. xxx
Thank Imogen, I don't actually have any trouble sleeping yet, just up at least twice for the loo! But luckily I can get straight back off to sleep. And I'm not uncomfortable in bed at all, in fact, I could just crawl there now!! :roll:

My belly is hard above the belly button now. :shock: I know I'm bigger than most 12 weekers already, but should it have moved up already??

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