Hello :)

Hiya, congrats and welcome! I also had stitch like pains for a while, and it's all normal, although worrying at the time. When I went for my midwife appointment I mentioned it to her, and she got me in for an early scan which was amazing!
Hope you have a stress free pregnancy!
I'm glad that gave you reassurance Doll, it's all very new so I guess if we're only cramping it's ok. I know if it's severe and you bleed you should go to your GP. It's just a relief to read how common it is and to talk about it.

I had an almighty cramp yesterday but it felt like a stitch and passed after a few seconds. I'm going to chew the doctor's ear's off when I go and get confirmed. Have you made an appointment yet? xx

I haven't made an appointment yet :-? I'm waiting to talk to the dad sometime today to see if and when he would be able to come with me. I'm a little nervous considering the insurance I have you might as well not have any, it's through my step father in Wisconsin...not sure if I can get back on Medicaid before getting off that insurance or not?
Oh you guys are so lovely, thanks for reassuring me!

Can anyone recommend a site on what not to eat? I had a glass of aloe vera juice this morning because it's good for the gut etc as I'm constipated (sorry tmi!!). It tastes disgusting but really is good for you and just read that pregnant women should not drink it as it can cause the uterus to contract!!! I really need a what not to do list other than don't drink alcohol! Any suggestions?


Yes, I would love to know a site for this too! I'm currenty eating mainly Vegan. And also a site for approved exercises...I'm scared to exercise in case I do something to harm LO....

I'm still getting used to the idea that I'm pregnant...I look at the dad and it almost blows my mind right now lol
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Anderson, I only just realised you are from the States!!! I was thinking you don't need medical insurance to get seen! Anyway, I hope you get an appointment soon so that the ball is rolling.

I'm going to do a little google research on foods and will let you know. By the way, called the gp yesterday and got an appointment today. Very excited but scared, OH wanted to come too but it was too short notice and he's working.
Congrats Tara! :) Welcome to Tri 1 - the girls on here are lovely so feel free to ask any questions :)

I've had tummy cramps that feel like AF and just put it down to things moving about. Least they have sort of passed and I'm now trying not to feel nauseous! lol Thank goodness for toast and ginger biscuits! (though I' going to end up the size of a house if I keep eating!)

Thank you, so far Ive found milk and soft cheeses that are unpasteurized(unless they have been cooked), raw/runny eggs and anything with them in it, certain fish, raw fish/shellfish, deli meats/hotdogs unless they have been cooked, raw sprouts...and if you get heartburn it says to aoid spicy, greasy or fried foods.

You'll have to let us know how the appointment goes! :) I'm planning on calling Medicaid today to see if I have to get off the other insurance before getting onto it so I can get seen. The states can be a pain when it comes to hospitals...and expensive if you don't have insurance!! lol
I am 8 weeks and for the first few weeks i suffered with really bad pain but this eased off a couple of weeks ago - now evening sickness and you only have to look at my boobs and they hurt ! All very normal hun dont worry and congratulations :-)
Thanks Girls :) Really excited to get to know all of you!

Anderson, thanks for that!! Had my GP appointment yesterday and was pretty uneventful. I was SO excited to pee in a bottle to confirm the pregnancy, even safed it and she said the test you took would have been accurate and just booked me an appointment with the midwife!!! Oh well, guess that is how it is? My booking in appointment is 17th February :)

Awesome!!! Glad everything went well :) What happens on the appointment on the 17th?
Hi welcome to Tri 1 and congratulations!
Sorry not said hi sooner, been off of here for a few days as sickness has been awful, but hey ho, hopefully will ease up soon! :)
I'm still having a few cramps now and then, but mostly settled down now, try not to worry they seem to be quite normal and most of us get them.
Hi Anderson,

Sorry not been on here for a while. The appontment on the 17th is with the midwife. She should take my bloody pressure, weight etc and ask me some questions about what sort of antenatal care I want. I really don't know how to contain my excitement. I want to buy everything in mothercare but obviously that is waaaaaaay too soon.

How are you doing?


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