What Pram?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2007
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Hi there can someone help me out please... I need to buy the baby's pram soon... and I just dont know what one to buy... can anyone give me some advice I dont want to spend a fortune on one to be honest... I did that with My first child 6 years ago... and ended up changing it for a smaller one 6 months later!! Any advice would be great

thanks ladies!! xxxx


I got s travel system all inclusive, with changing bag,cosy toes,raincover the lot and includes car seat for while the babys small and turns into a pushchair that reclines fully once shes ready for the change.
I paid £159 quid for mine from baboies rus in jan sales. But i know there are cheaper out there.

It all depends on what you want though, i did the same with first spend a fortune on a posh pram then it not being all that suitable and having the need for another.

I did buy a quinny zapp for £250.00 but having a mess around with it i wasn;t impressed with it.

Then went to mothercare and bought a Graco Mosaic quite compact with everything you need for newborn and through to a few years old, rain cover, bag, foot muff for only £189 and it is far more reliable so it just shows the more expensive doesnt mean you are always getting the best!

If you have a look on the internet i think its mothercare website people have written their reviews....

Hope this helps xx
Thanks Ladies... Its so hard to decide really.... But I'm sure I'ii find something out there... I do need a travel system coz of the car seat... but just dont want anything to big a bulky.

hi hun,

if you dont want anything big and bulky and dont want to spend alot of money then dont go for the named ones. i have bought a travel system it is 100 pound in argos ( i thinkk the make is century). it is great becus its a travel system but its just a normal stroller that a car seat attaches and it folds down to stroller size. i got mine from ebay for 70 quid but for the full price its still a bargain. they do different colours too.

heres a link:
http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... 761504.htm

this is the exact colour i hvae and it comes with lots of accessories and as i sed its really light to push and to fold, carry and easy to fit in car. also the stroller fully reclines so it can be used from birth so if you are shopping bubs does not have to be in car seat for long periods of time.


kimheath said:
hi hun,

if you dont want anything big and bulky and dont want to spend alot of money then dont go for the named ones. i have bought a travel system it is 100 pound in argos ( i thinkk the make is century). it is great becus its a travel system but its just a normal stroller that a car seat attaches and it folds down to stroller size. i got mine from ebay for 70 quid but for the full price its still a bargain. they do different colours too.

heres a link:
http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... 761504.htm

this is the exact colour i hvae and it comes with lots of accessories and as i sed its really light to push and to fold, carry and easy to fit in car. also the stroller fully reclines so it can be used from birth so if you are shopping bubs does not have to be in car seat for long periods of time.



I have this too - after 3 other babies and a variety of prams i wanted something i was actually going to use this time - i have tried out the buggy with my 4yold - very easy to push and love the fact that it is light and easy to put in the boot :D
A lot of people seem to be going for the Quinny Buzz at the moment, seemingly that's quite lightweight and non-bulky. I've got the Mamas & Papas Pilko Pram but that is bigger, more bulky etc but then I've got room for it and it's not the pram were keeping in the car that one is simply for walks around the village type thing - The Quinny does seem more adaptable.
Nicola said:
A lot of people seem to be going for the Quinny Buzz at the moment, seemingly that's quite lightweight and non-bulky. I've got the Mamas & Papas Pilko Pram but that is bigger, more bulky etc but then I've got room for it and it's not the pram were keeping in the car that one is simply for walks around the village type thing - The Quinny does seem more adaptable.

I've got the Quinny Buzz but bought it 'nearly new' off a reputable seller on ebay. It came with the pram and carrycot for £230, which saved us about £150 on the retail price in normal shops, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. We did of course buy the matching maxi-cosi car seat brand new, but we saved loads by doing it through ebay and still got the one we wanted.
Well my boyfriend's mum bought me the Silver Cross 3D....thingy...which was reduced in Mothercare, and which I love because it is so cosy and sturdy, but not at all complicated or OTT..it was £229 reduced, I think, and that was with a raincover and muff etc, though no car seat.
Quinny Buzz is alot better than the Zapp..

My mate has it but she has said that in the hot weather because its black it does get quite hot.
Just checked out ebay... and there are loads on there and not that expensive... I really like the Graco Mosaic, Its usually 179.00 but on ebay for 129.00 FANTASTIC!!! Thanks everyone for the advice.... Ebay here I come... he he


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