What or who will your baby look like?

^^^ oo i hope they look like your oh too he is a dish! if its a boy that is

if it s a girl it should be little and bossy just like you :rofl: just kidding sweets x
^^^ oo i hope they look like your oh too he is a dish! if its a boy that is

if it s a girl it should be little and bossy just like you :rofl: just kidding sweets x

Awwww, thanks hun!

I am little and bossy (and proud of it!)

I forgot to say that other thing our bub will be is hairy :shock: We are both pretty hairy!

Regardless of gender I hope any children we have end up with their Daddies eyes, lips and ears.. :lol:

We're both dark haired so it would be funny to have a blond bambino


My mum and dad are both dark haired but me and my brother were born white blonde while my sister was dark brown :) although my granny was very blonde in her younger days so we must take after her xxxx

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^^^ oo i hope they look like your oh too he is a dish! if its a boy that is

if it s a girl it should be little and bossy just like you :rofl: just kidding sweets x

Awwww, thanks hun!

I am little and bossy (and proud of it!)

I forgot to say that other thing our bub will be is hairy :shock: We are both pretty hairy!


yeah i am hairy too a lovely trait that runs in the women i my family, i have light blonde facial hair, thank god its not black haha its barely noticable but i can see it!

BUT oh is smooth as a baby its weird
My mum and dad are both dark haired but me and my brother were born white blonde while my sister was dark brown :) although my granny was very blonde in her younger days so we must take after her xxxx

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My youngest brother was born with a full head of black hair, yet he is now blond and has been since he was a few months old (he is 22 now) rest of us are dark :lol:

Luckily I am that much older than him I remember my Mum being preggers so know he isn't adopted LMAO!

yeah i am hairy too a lovely trait that runs in the women i my family, i have light blonde facial hair, thank god its not black haha its barely noticable but i can see it!

BUT oh is smooth as a baby its weird

I don't have face hair (yet!) but my hairy parts do get hairy if they are left unattended - if that makes sense? :shock:


I am from Greece do I have brown hair that turns redish under the summer sun, really wavy, very pale skin and hazelnut eyes. My dad has black hair and black eyes an my mom has dark blonde, wavy hair and green eyes. My oh is blonde with grey/ green eyes and his parents ate blonde with blue eyes.
I would love a baby with dark hair and blue or green eyes and he says he would love a baby with both brown hair and eyes. I can't wait to see how it will look like and knowing us both wanting the baby to look like me it will probably look the blondest baby ever lol...
I hope he look like his dad :)

If he does he has got it made :)
I'm dead excited to see what my baby looks like.

I have blonde hair and blue eyes and a round face. OH is a red head with blue eyes so my baby is likely to be a rather pale skinned one lol.

I was wondering the other day, will I know straight away if the baby is ginger haired? I've never known a newborn to have red hair? Though admittedly I haven't seen many newborns!!

if ur baby is gonna be a red head it can be born with red hair, my cousin is a red head and so is her partner and all 3 babies have been born with masses of red hair and its really cute :) x
My husband is Turkish so is dark, brown eyes, olive skin, has black hair and lots of it, he is really hairy.

What do you think your baby will look like?

If he comes from a long line of Turkish breeding (that sounds wrong, but YKWIM, then your LO will have his colouring as these features are dominant genes. The LO might have the same shaped feautres as you, but s/he will have dark eyes, dark hair etc.

Either way, LO will be a stunner xx
Well, Hubby and I are both Sri Lankan but his genes are sooooo dominant! When you look at his mothers side of the family, all the kids (his cousins) look simular. My nephew and niece have more of hubby's sisters features than their dad's features so I am pretty sure that our LO's will take after daddy.

He has lovely eyes and him and his sister have the most amazing hair.... the only downside is he is soooo hairy, jet black thick hair which used to make his mum bleed when she cut his hair as a kid :shock:....

If we have a little girl I just hope she has my body hair because usually (when I am not pumped with pregnancy hormones) I have really fine easy to manage body hair. Hubby's sister had loads of laser hair removal treatments....

My little girl is going to have blonde hair with loose curls and blue eyes. She will have a sweet little button nose and beautiful cheeks. I have seen her many time in my dreams and a psychic has also descibed her to me. I know what youre all thinking (cukoo,cukoo ;) ) xx
I have dark blonde hair and blue eyes and OH has brown hair and brown eyes. OH had very light blonde hair when he was little which is strange considering he now has quite dark brown hair. In my head I picture our baby girl to have brown hair and brown eyes like OH but we will see what happens. My mum is a very dark blonde and my dad has brown hair but me and my brother have dark blonde hair and my sister has brown hair so I guess there is no way of knowing. x
me, my mum and nan all look the same on our first baby pictures, bright blue eyes and very very dark hair so hopefully she will take after us xxxx
My little girl is going to have blonde hair with loose curls and blue eyes. She will have a sweet little button nose and beautiful cheeks. I have seen her many time in my dreams and a psychic has also descibed her to me. I know what youre all thinking (cukoo,cukoo ;) ) xx

You're not cuckoo, I think that's sweet. I saw a picture of your twins once and they are blonde aren't they? I remember them being super cute!! So I'm sure your little girl will be too!! xx
My husband is Turkish so is dark, brown eyes, olive skin, has black hair and lots of it, he is really hairy.

What do you think your baby will look like?

If he comes from a long line of Turkish breeding (that sounds wrong, but YKWIM, then your LO will have his colouring as these features are dominant genes. The LO might have the same shaped feautres as you, but s/he will have dark eyes, dark hair etc.

Either way, LO will be a stunner xx

Officially OH is Kurdish and so is everyone in his family. I think you're right, I can't see baby getting my colouring!
My little girl is going to have blonde hair with loose curls and blue eyes. She will have a sweet little button nose and beautiful cheeks. I have seen her many time in my dreams and a psychic has also descibed her to me. I know what youre all thinking (cukoo,cukoo ;) ) xx

You're not cuckoo, I think that's sweet. I saw a picture of your twins once and they are blonde aren't they? I remember them being super cute!! So I'm sure your little girl will be too!! xx

Yes they are blonde.
Aww bless you being kind to the mad lady ;) xx

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