What or who will your baby look like?

The men in my husbands family have a 'smith' nose. Not big or anything just distinctive.
When we had our 12 week scan the first thing everyone said when they saw it was 'that's a Smith nose'
She totally has most of his genes and is the twin of his sister at the same age
Both me and my bro were born with copper coloured hair. We both lost it quite quickly and it grew back white blonde lol.

I can't wait to see what my LO looks like. I now have dark blonde wavy hair, bluey/greeny/grey eyes and OH has dark almost black straight hair and greeny/brown eyes. We're both quite pale skinned so I expect baby to be pale too.
Im a ginger, but my daughter is blonde. My nephew is ginger though and when he was born his hair was a lovely strawberry blonde, so we knew right away he would be a redhead. What surprised me when I had my daughter, is that she was nothing like I expected her to look like, she didnt look at all like me or my partner, but at the same time I felt as though I'd known her all my life and recognised her right away. I dont know if that makes sense to anyone but its the strangest most amazing feeling. Cant wait to see if I feel the same this time round.
Oooh, so I'll know straight away if I have a red headed nugget then?

Awesome :)
Oooh, so I'll know straight away if I have a red headed nugget then?

Awesome :)

You should do, I was born with a full head of red hair and my next do neighbours baby was ginger from the start although she didn't have alot
I really hope my LO gets my OHs looks. He has gorgeous thick dark hair and lovely green eyes. He has also always been quite athletic (although not at the minute, he's coming out in sympathy with me lol) unlike me who is the least athletic person ever, prone to being a bit podgy with thin wispy hair and pastey skin!! (painting a
Nice picture of myself aren't I!).
It's allllll so exciting!!

I have dark hair and dark eyes normal skin colour not fair or olive and my partner is exactly the same.

I do know that i think the baby is going to have my nose because on my first scan it's nose is exactly like mine!

However i think that it will have its daddys mouth and lips because it was pouting and my OH's baby photos were the same!

Either way i know my baby is going to be a stunner! but dont all parents think this anyways lol

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