What now...


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2014
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Just waiting to be picked up from hospital.... I lost the baby.. What now..... How do you cope??
Im really sorry hun. Its hard but somehow you manage to cope. Go home rest and relax. It will get easier x x
So sorry again hun. You do manage somehow as hard as it is. Defo lots of TLC from OH and rest and relaxation is in order. Dont be afraid to cry and let it all out etc as it does help. As wifeywifey says it does get easier. Big hugs hun xxx
Im so sorry for your loss!! It is a terrible time at the monent but it dies get easier I promise. Just now grieve, spend time with your oh doing things you really enjoy!! Xxx
I'm so sorry hun :hugs: I found it really helpful to spend quality time with my OH & do things we really enjoy together. As bizarre as this sounds the day after finding out we had the mc we took the day off work together went for a lovely long drive, stopped off at a few pretty village pubs, went for a scenic walk & talked (sharing a few tears along the way). but we got home and both agreed as sad & heartbroken as we both were we had actually had a lovely day together and we smiled & were strong & could take on anything..... everyday it then got easier to manage and cope with & we supported each other through it. I hope you two also manage to support one another through it. Stick together & stay strong xx
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Just take it an hour at a time, then a day or night, next thing you know you've got through a week. Its so bloody hard but let your usual routines guide you through, and come and talk to people on here when you need to. X

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