what made you smile today


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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to cheer myself up im going to list all the things that have made me happy already this morning

1 my Collier is kicking me and dacing around inside me :hug:
2. the sun is shining 8)

3 IM NOT AT WORK :dance: :dance:
4 IM NOT AT WORK :D :lol:
5 i have 11 caburys cream eggs to eat through ou the bank hols. :cheer:
6 i have only 5 weeks left to maternity :dance:
7 i have only 8 weeks left to my due date
:cheer: :hug:
8 I am listening to my one of my fave bands JIMMY EAT WORLD and singling along happily (out of tune of course :lol: )

9 i am still in my Nighty and have no plans to get dressed im doing to do Nothing all day and enjoy it :D
10.... oh did i mention IM NOT AT WORK :dance: :rotfl:

What about all you girls ??
Welll definately the ..
*.Not at work one!!!! :dance: My alarm went off as normal and cos it's a thursday everything is the same on the TV and radio as a normal
workday so it just feels like I'm having a normal working day off!!!

*My friens sent me an email that i opened when I got up and it had cute pictures of kittens and puppies asleep in funny places and positions.

*I got woke up by my LO wriggling around.

*the sun is shining!!! :cheer:
1. There is no school today so I don't have to rush out of the house in the rain!
2. I am on maternity leave! :dance:
3. I am still in my nighty
4. James is home with me for 2 weeks!
5. Just over 4 weeks to go till Logans due date
6. OH has finally started taking the wall down in our bedroom so hopefully he'll get it painted and decorated before I pop
7. I have a freezer full of ice lollies! :D
8. I'm having a tour of the maternity unit tomorrow to discuss my birth plan
9. OH has monday off work!
10. I can eat chocolate all weekend without feeling bad :cheer:
my OH is off today and has been doing jobs already for baby coming

he went out last night with his work and came back at 10.00 sober because he wanted to make sure he did stuff today and enjoyed it !

my younger sister is coming up and we have nice plans, coffees, a meal out tonight

lots of chocolate

going to have a long long bath

I actually started to feel excited and not worried, invited my neighbours sister in law for tea when hubby was out and we had a nice relaxing evening, her mum is a childminder and both ladies are wonderful with kids. She gave me loads of good advice.

1. My darling OH is off of work :D
2. Said OH has just gone and got me my 2nd breakfast - scrambled egg! yum!
3. We're going to pick our pram up in a minute!! :cheer:
4. We're off to Durham for a lovely walk and lunch. :cheer:
5. It is going to snow in the North East tonight! :cheer:
Woke up at the crack of dawn cause heating was still on timer as if we were getting up and going to work but hubby got up and made us both a lovely cuppa and we laid and watched crappy breakfast TV for an hour

We have a lovely easter egg waiting to be opened

Hubby is busy boarding the loft out and he wont let me help

Its a gorgeous day outside

Its Friday and im not at work, then its the weekend and I have all next week off work

When I go back to work I only have 2 weeks left till I leave

I have a pregnancy massage booked for Tuesday

Me & Hubby are off to Brighton on Wednesday for a few days

Im having my hair done next Friday
1. Me and OH have decided to postpone Easter until he's better ( he really really poorly at the mo :cry: ) We're going to do Easter next weekend instead and have Eggs and a lovely dinner :D

2. My Nan and Grandad came to cut my grass and it looks lush now. They're also buying me a washing line :cheer: :cheer: They are so good to me, dont know what Id do without them :)

3. I brought some Andrex Quilts toilet roll for a change, Im treating my bum as its usually Tesco's Luxury which isnt actually all that Luxury imo.

4. The lady in the shop saved me a box of Mr Freeze Icepoles and let me have them for 20p...although they wont be getting anymore now :cry:

5. I hooked out my White FCUK boots for a change and they looked absolutely gorgeous on and made me feel good.

marie_77 said:


awwwwwww thats cute its amusing and sweet watching little ones dancing, so you have another child then?
sorry feel i should be more clued up.

Charlie:-) said:
Its Friday and im not at work, then its the weekend and I have all next week off work

When I go back to work I only have 2 weeks left till I leave

I have a pregnancy massage booked for Tuesday

Me & Hubby are off to Brighton on Wednesday for a few days

Im having my hair done next Friday

YEY only a few weeks till your on maternity :cheer: :dance:
OHHHHHHHHHH the massage sound hevenly id love to have one :sleep: :D

hope you have a fantastic hols in Brighton :dance:

and yey for getting you hair done :cheer:
im still dithering about getting mine done changed my mind more times then the wind changes direction

glad you having a good day and your Oh is being so sweet and conciderate very sweet :hug:

sarah :hug: :wave:

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