What is this pelvic pain? Advice needed!

Lottie Tobe

Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2016
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Hi all....I haven't been on here for a while - been finding ttc stressful. But am hoping some of you might be able to work out what's wrong with me.....

So I had a positive CB digi opk on Sunday cd15. I took a boots opk later that day, which read negative.....but it was gone 10pm and I think I might have had too much liquid. I'm pretty sure the second opk missed the surge.

I had a lot of ewcm on Monday cd16....I think this was a ovulation day. Took epo this cycle which gave me loads more cm!

Had a bit of ewcm on cd17 but I had it after o before (maybe left over?)

Yesterday cd18 and today cd19 I have had ovulation like pain by my right side. How can this be? No ewcm now so I'm pretty sure ovulation was cd16. What could be causing the pain? It can't be implantation as I'm only 3dpo.

Anyone experience this? Any idea what it could be?

I started to think cysts but why would this only start now after ovulation?

Any help would be really appreciated
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And now I just went to the loo and found some cm. Looked a bit like snot! Not very stretchy but am now very confused.
It's a possibility but I don't think so, as the pain was over two days,

Seems to have stopped today
Interesting, I cant help but I am having the same. I believe today I am 3DPO and for the last few days I have been having what I thought was ovulation pain but it cant be. Strange but we are in the same boat!
Nice to know I'm not alone! I'm 4dpo and seems to have stopped now. Odd isn't it?
I had it quite bad yesterday although I cant be certain that wasnt from the physio sticking his thumbs all in my pelvis but it is strange. Before OPK I always assumed whenever I had cramps or pains when it wasnt AF time that it was just mid cycle. I am now a little more concerned that it isnt according to OPK at least! My boobs are tender, I have no idea whats going on!

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