low bbt


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2011
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hi im just wondering what other ppls temps are in comparison to mine? this is what iv had so far....
cd1- 96.6
cd2,3,4,5,6- 97.2
cd 7- 97.1
cd8- 97.2
cd9- 96.4
cd10- 96.6
cd11- 96.8
cd12- 96.8
cd13- 97.0
cd14- 97.2
cd15- 97.2
cd16- 97.2
cd17- 96.8
cd18- 96.8

im not sure if my temps are high enough? looking at my chart i had a dip on day 9 and then iv got back up again, could tjat have been my ovulation? this was also when i had my strongest opks around this time. i only noticed ewcm once though. oppinions very welcome as this is my 1st chart xxx

I've been taking my bbt for 2months now as I don't think I'm ovulating so wanted to see what was happening. I also don't have regular cycles so I thought it wud be useful to see where I am in my cycle.

My temperature on average is about 36.30 - 36.40, a week before I got my period it rose to 36.90 & then it dropped right down the day before my period came.

Everyone is different but I think it normally rises quiet a significant amount when uve ovulated.

do you have a link to the actual chart -its easier to interpret that way
Day 9 ish would make sense as there is a definate peak after that but the 97.2 on days 2-6 seems high.

When you take your temp are you following the rules perfectly - ie same time, not moving - I literally stick my arm out my bed to grab my themometer! etc?

Have you been on hormone birth control recently??
dont worry - i had loads of questions when i started charting!

Looking at your chart I would say u haven't ovulated as day 2-8 are well above the coverline - they really need to be below it to make it biphasic.

Don't worry though - if you have just had your mirena removed i wouldnt expect a proper cycle the first month at least! Carry on if you want this month but I would start afresh next cycle on day 1 of your next period. Record your cervical fluid too. For opks I would start about day 10 and keep testing each day at the same time to see what is going on. Hopefully wont be long till you get your bfp!!
thanks so much! ill keep doinhg opks for a few days and i might as well finish this cycles chart off! ill start a fresh next cycle tho xxxx

thought i should add that iv just realised im not taking my temp at the same time each morning............next clycle ill start doing them when oh's alarm goes off at 5am!
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cool, the time you take your temp must be consistent, even 30mins late or early is enough to disturb it. Good luck. let me know if anymore questions - just pm me.

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