what housing do you all have????


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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ok im not being nosey just after advice really

me and the oh are in a 1 bedroom flat at the mo, lovely area, lovely flat, only problem is its a 1 bedroom (its housing assoc)

we have gone on the exchange list just incase and also informed the council that i am pregnant in hope for a 2 bedroom property eventually

wen i went to the council she sed we should get somewhere as we hav good circumstances, i hav asthma and its a 2nd floor property

but ive heard so many conflicting stories im unsure of our chances now???

our council doesnt do the points system it does the CLB bid system now, has anyone used this system with the bands????

sorry for going on lol
Good luck to you getting a bigger place, your chances should be quite good with a baby on the way as you definitely need more than 1 bedroom.

We live in a privately rented 2 bedroom house (well, part of a castle - woo - we are quite lucky) and are already finding it quite small so who knows what's going to happen when Connie makes her appearance!!

Luckily OH's parents live down the road so their loft is full of our crap.
We have a bid band system here too, im in band 2, which is good, but ive been on there for 2 years now.
i think it is easier to get a 2 bed propety than a 3/4.
At the moment im in a 2 bedroom house with 4 children and another on the way, and they told me i could be waiting a few more months or a few years :shock:
Hope you get a bigger place soon
Sarah :shock: how on Earth do you all fit in?! xxx
We live in a privately rented 4 bed house. It,s lovely but costs a bloody fortune! My cousin was in a 1 bed housing association flat when she got pg and it took them ages to be given a 2 bed (think their baby was 1 by the time they moved). That was on a points basis though and not only that but all council's differ in waiting list etc so it may be much quicker for you.

Good luck :hug:
sorry hun i dont no anything about that system xx
we live in a 3 bed which we rent half and own half lol
We live in a private rent 3 bedroom. DD has the biggest bedroom, the spare room is absolutely tiny and OH uses it as an office and it has a single bed in there as we don't sleep together a lot and Eefie is still in with me and 9 times out of 10, no 10 times out of 10 he ends up in with me at some point during the night :roll:
Im in a 2 bed first floor flat.
I got this when I was pregnant with my first and have since bought it from the council, only way we could have bought anything because the house prices are so insane!!
We have been looking for something bigger but theres no way we can afford to move.
Theres not gonna be much room when the baby comes but I like to think it will be cosy rather than cramped! :D
we are privatly renting a 2 bed first floor flat.
but we have an interview with the counsil tomorrow to get on the waiting list hopefully wont be here much longer.
they use a band system and because of our circumstances we will be high priority due to homelessness and the fact this place is a death trap!!
good luck with getting a place hun
manda xx
Im currently in a 2 bed house, but we are looking at 3 or 4 bed properties to buy (as this is baby number 3!)

My daughter has just moved after using the bidding system.

From finding out about the system to her actual move, took about 6 weeks.

She went from a 1 bed flat to a 2 bed house. We live in Birmingham and my daughter is with a HA.

Hope this helps and good luck :hug:
I have a room. And not a particularly big one, in my mums house. Hoping to move out but as my OH is having no luck finding a paid trainee electrician job (that's what he's been at college doing). If he desn't get a job it'll be rather cosy. My mum has said we're welcome to stay with baby but i think it would be a nightmare! it's a small room, enough for a double bed and a cot as long as you don't wish t move round it.

We are on the council list but the only available things are in a dodgy area - not nice and even then we cant afford it at the moment!!!

Fingers crossed my OH gets a job.
I was living in a 1 bedroom private rented flat which is horrid and expensive. I was asked to leave when the contract ended as the landlord didnt like me asking for repairs. So Im now staying in my moms spare room. Ive been on the council homeless list for 5 months and nothing. Im not holding my breathe as I dont think they are going to give us anywhere even though they say we're high on the list. :(
I own a 1st floor studio flat - no room at all.

I want to move but don't have the money and its harder with it being just me. I couldn't go back to renting and if I sold the flat and got a council house then I would be off the property ladder and its hard to get back on it here :(
BabyBee said:
I have a room. And not a particularly big one, in my mums house. Hoping to move out but as my OH is having no luck finding a paid trainee electrician job (that's what he's been at college doing). If he desn't get a job it'll be rather cosy. My mum has said we're welcome to stay with baby but i think it would be a nightmare! it's a small room, enough for a double bed and a cot as long as you don't wish t move round it.

We are on the council list but the only available things are in a dodgy area - not nice and even then we cant afford it at the moment!!!

Fingers crossed my OH gets a job.

hang in there chick :wink: my OH (ex now :x ) studied electronic engineering and it took him ages to get a job. but when they do, in that line of work, you wont suffer. things will fit into place very quickly.

dont worry, it will work out, when you least expect it to!! :hug:
we're in a 2 bedroomed first floor flat which we rent privately.

our lease is up at the end of april. so we're going to move to another rented property. this one is ok, it's just rather small and badly decorated. we're paying £400 a month just now which is fab, but we'll probs have to go upto about £500 a month for somewhere a bit nicer :think:

that's if everything goes to plan of course :wink:
We just bought a 2 bed Victorian ground floor flat. We rented for the last 4 years but it was costing us just as much for rent as it does now for a mortgage so we went for it. We also have twice as much space for the same amount and are a band lower for council tax. Good job we never decorated the spare room!
We live in a privately rented 3/4 bedroomed house! We all fit in very nicely as its quite big for a terraced house! :)

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