what hosptital/baby changing bags have you got?

You should see my kitchen its all baby pink and my plates and dishes all have ikkle cup cakes all over them...... I am in my own pink world....lol.

Oh well OH doesn't know what i will actually be needing anyway, he just thinks the baby comes along and BOOM everything appears.
i haven't bought mines yet, but have seen nice hold-all style bags in primark for about £6 :wink: they are massive, mum has just bought one for going a wee trip to dublin next week so i may just use that when she's finito :dance:
sarafet said:
i haven't bought mines yet, but have seen nice hold-all style bags in primark for about £6


Primark is known as Primani in our house... that way I have a designer wardrobe! :wink:
MissSara said:
You should see my kitchen its all baby pink and my plates and dishes all have ikkle cup cakes all over them...... I am in my own pink world....lol.

Oh well OH doesn't know what i will actually be needing anyway, he just thinks the baby comes along and BOOM everything appears.

:rotfl: It's a lovely world our men live in thye enjoy the fun of making the baby
and we go though the pain of having the baby

while they sit in a lovely bubble and thinks babies come along and Boom eveything appears

James still refuses to belive we need to prepare the baby stuff BEFORE the babies born
he just say "ah we can do it after the babies hear no point doing it when its not even here yet" :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
stupid man :shakehead: :rotfl:
I've got a wheely case for me (about handluggage size maybe a bit bigger) which I haven't packed yet :oops:

And I have this bag for LO: http://www.ju-ju-be.com/beall.html# in the brown/robin colour (link won't let me go straight to my colour grr!!)

Which is where all of his stuff is going to go! I'm going to leave that in the car till he's born though and just have one suit/one vest/a few nappies in my case for immediatley after birth in case it gets pinched (has been a prob in our hospital :evil: ) and hubby will go out to the car and get it.

I really like it, it's got a squishy memory foam changing mat that comes with it (which will probably get puked on an ruined in a day lol!) and it goes really well with our pram.
Sherlock said:
Cripes if you can fit your hospital stuff into a baby change bag then you deserve a medal or something :lol:

I'm just using an old holdall for my hospital bag. Fits my stuff in the main section and baby things in either end and pockets. Its a fair size but not huge and is easy to carry. I can get everything in, down to drinks and snacks and 15 nappies and a box of breast pads.

I'd never fit even a fraction of things in a baby change bag.

As far a changing bags go, it depends on your budget and what you want from one. This site has loads


No need to spend a fortune though. I've used everything from ordinary backpacks to carrier bags when nannying for other families :lol:

:rotfl: ive got a small suitcase for my hospital bag, i agree i wouldnt get a fraction of the stuff in my changing bag!!!
MissSara said:
I knew i should have never took a peak in here........ THANKS a lot Sherlock, i now have to explain to OH why i just bought a baby changing bag, when we don't even have the pram........lol

Just purchased this one http://www.happybags.co.uk/products.php?cat=162

this is the bag my friend mentioned getting me, i love it and we saw it in john lewis and its real nice.

i've also got his one

It was on sale in work, only cost me 30p, but its £20 on amazon etc, it's a nice simple one and i was going to use it as her hospital bag,

As for nappies, i wont be taking a lot with me, i dont intend upon being in for long. If i need extra nappies the hospital has them, plus it's very easy for me to ask my parnets or friends to bring thigns up.

Therefore my hospital things, for both of us will be minimal.
Im using a holdall for my hospital bag and hopefully will be able to fit all my stuff in as well as baby's stuff. Just going to try and travel lite and pack things I know I will definitely need rather than thinking "oh I might just need that". If it turns out I haven't packed something or that I do end up needing something then hubby can fetch it from home.

Hoping to be in hospital no longer than overnight so thats what im going to pack for and if its any longer then extra can be brought from home if needed.

As for a changing bag there are some gorgeous bags around, just looking at all the lovely bags that have been posted on here and im sooooo jealous. I spent ages looking for one that I liked and I couldnt justify spending a lot of money. Also one condition was that I had to get one that hubby was prepared to use so anything too girlie was ruled out straight away.

Have settled for this one that I found in Mothercare, lots of great useful pockets and not too girlie

Charlie:-) said:
Also one condition was that I had to get one that hubby was prepared to use so anything too girlie was ruled out straight away.

I was told that too... I told him to stuff it- I've carried a bump around for months so he can carry a pretty bag every now and then and it won't kill him :shakehead:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
inforabumpyride said:
Charlie:-) said:
Also one condition was that I had to get one that hubby was prepared to use so anything too girlie was ruled out straight away.

I was told that too... I told him to stuff it- I've carried a bump around for months so he can carry a pretty bag every now and then and it won't kill him :shakehead:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

LOL baby daddy told me he would not carry around anything pink girly or fluffy!! Luckily for me hes disappeared so i get to have whatever i want!!! tbh i havnt bought anything overly girly, big things are unisex and even clothing wise i kinda prefer different colours but in a girly style. agh well i can jsut imagine him walking around with the pink bag if he ever sees her :rotfl: it wouldnt quite match his usual "i'm a rocker (honest)" look
Ginnymarie said:

I have small black suit case for me.

This lovely change bag for baby stuff, someone had it on forum the other day.

http://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wcs/sto ... arge_image

OH is going to have his own wee rucksack for things for labour
snacks, lip balm, heatpacks that kind of thing, phones, mags.


AH i remember that bag from a while ago cant remember who purchased it but i recall saying i loved it
thanks for reminding me of it :D

i may just purchase thia bag its my sort of style and colouring

Sorry why does you OH need lipbalm and heatpads?? :think:
geordie lass said:
Sorry why does you OH need lipbalm and heatpads?? :think:

I think she meant that stuff for herself :think: :) Although I'm sure OH will be allowed a morsel or two :lol:

I've packed Chapstick and a few other goodies like that for labour. The wards and rooms can get very dry and I don't want my lips getting sore and cracked, so put in the Chapstick. Flannel for forehead, spray bottle for water so I can have a blast in the face if need be. Loads of little things that will come in handy for labour time.
debecca said:
inforabumpyride said:
Here are mine- mostly packed and ready to go :roll: I travel quite light so no wheely suitcases for me! If I desperately need something OH will have to come home and get it!


My bag (black one) was £6 in Primani.... :shhh:

Tilly will be so jealous - she'll love that black and white bag! She is the Monochrome Queen! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: You are SO right, I saw the bag and was like this :shock: I WANT IT!!!

I have quite a bit of stuff for hospital.....
Pink Suitcase for me for after labour, Charlie Crocodile Suitcase for bubs, Zebra Print Labour Bag, Snack Bag which OH can look after, Car Seat, Pillows, Sombrero... :lol:
I got a pink bag from Avon that has my labour stuff in and a bag from primark that has my going home stuff and babys things in.

I'm not taking the babys chaginging bag with me - but it will be packed and at my mums for when I go home form hospital. I've just ordered it (matching one for my pram ;))
inforabumpyride said:

My bag (black one) was £6 in Primani.... :shhh:

:shock: ohhhh i nearly bought this on sunday when i went primark, i thought it looked the perfect size for a hospital bag!!
think ill get it next time i go....
i got that black bag!!! was fab, fitted loads in

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