Changing bags

I'm such a diva :blush: the one I like is £145 and I like it because it matches my handbag :roll: :blush: I can't believe I'm admitting that lol

link....? i want to see?? u have a VERY expensive handbag if i remember correctly missy? xx
I've bought 1 from a company called koochu I bought it at the baby show in Manchester discounted to £80 bit pricey but it looks more like a handbag it's waterproof inside plus the lining zips out so u can throw it in the washer it also has thermal secret pockets to keep bottles warm/cold & comes with a changing mat! I liked it coz it's more of a handbag & has plenty of pockets

i likey :) x
wow ladies, I am liking these bags! Had no idea you could get ones that look just like a handbag with such functionality! There are going to be some very stylish mummies around! xx
wow - changing bags are expensive. I'm not a 'bag' person and don't think i've spent more that £15 on a handbag ever! I can however see the benefit of having one good quality bag to keep all the baby bits in, but actually feel like being sick at the prospect of spending more than £40 on one!
I like that one hermera

The one I got was only £39.99 in mothercare. I got fed up of looking at them! And OH didn't want too much of a feminine one or he wouldn't carry it!

It's this one that I got:

I didn't want to spend too much money one on. I'm definitely a handbag girl, I have a ridiculous amount of very nice bags, but I figured I'm not going to want to put dirty nappies in anything expensive! And as much as I think I'll use my changing bag all the time, I'll probably get OH to look after it while I carry my nice bag haha!!!

Hemera I couldn't get the toys r us link to work for some reason!

FT90 that's the one I think I'll get- not too feminine but several compartments and bits to keep baby's stuff organised and not ridiculously expensive!

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