What Happens at 12 Week Scan?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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I have my scan next Wednesday and was wondering what actually happened? MW said they will do bloods and weigh my also - will this be in same room as scan or with someone else on a seperate appointment? Will my partner be with me the whole time? Really want to know completely what to expect as am nervous anyway, but am also petrified of needles. Also, if being weighed really doint want hubby to be there! I know this sounds stupid but I am over-weight and would cringe at him knowing by how much! :oops: Please tell me your experiences of what happens!!
I had mine last week and I got weighed but that was in a side room, your OH can wait in the waiting room, the receptionist weighed me and they did it in kilos too. Then we got called to the scan room and she keyed in all my details and i laid on the bed, had to undo my top button of my jeans she put some blue tissue tucked in the top of my jeans and squirted some gel on my lower belly, near pubic line!

Then she started scanning and all was great, saw baby straight away it was magical to see this little person. It was all over so quickly i suppose that may have been the sonographer that I had on the day, so try to take it all in because before you know it you will be finished! I had to ask the receptionist before i went in if i could buy a picture and i had to pay £3 per pic before i went in. I paid for 2 but she gave us 3 pics.

I had my bloods taken at my 8 week booking in so i guess this all depends on where you live.

Good luck and enjoy it! :hug:
At my last 12 week scan they didnt take blood or weigh me so not sure about that. I just went to the hospital and got scanned, woman showed me heartbeat and told me how far along I was. I got a scan pic and that was it :hug: Enjoy every second because its over so fast hun :hug:
My 12week scan was completely separate from things like bloods etc.
I went to the hospital and waited to be called in by the sonographer and had my scan and that was it.
I should imagine though if you are to have any bloods taken, weight took it will be done by someone else, so maybe your OH can wait in the waiting room whilst you have those done.
So is that the adverage time to have your first scan then?
I was told I was only 11 weeks and would have to come back the next week so they could take all the measurements. So i really got two 12 week scans :cheer: .

Kim x x x x
We went into the tiny scan room by ourselves - scan lasted about 20mins cos baby wouldn't shift to get measured. Then I went into a separate room where she took my weight / height but she just wrote it down, she didn't say it out loud. Then she asked about phyical abuse because they have to apparently and then after that, hubby was allowed in where she went through family history with us both and did blood tests. The blood tests are so easy and they usually talk to you to distract you anyway.

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