What games do you/your OH play with LO? Or what are your LOs favourites atm?
Our favourite two currently are:
1. Let's bake a bun (learnt from my mum):
- LO lying on her back. Hold arms next to her body and roll her body from side to side (not to her tummy just 90 degrees each side) and say: 'let's bake a bun, let's bake a bun'
- Then poke her body and face with both of your index fingers (latter gently of course) and say: 'let's add some raisins'
- Then tickle her body and face with your finger tips and say: 'let's add some sugar'
- Then stroke her face and body and say: 'let's glaze it up'
- Then back to 'let's bake a bun, let's bake a bun' - ie rolling LO's body from side to side
- Then gently push her body upwards on a mat and say: 'let's put it in the oven'
- Then take your hands off LO and say excitedly: 'And let's eat it up!!!' and make smacking sounds and kiss around LOs body
LO loves it - and chuckles in anticipation when I say 'let's eat it up'
2. Roll over game
http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/develo ... hs4thweek/ - plan 2
Our favourite two currently are:
1. Let's bake a bun (learnt from my mum):
- LO lying on her back. Hold arms next to her body and roll her body from side to side (not to her tummy just 90 degrees each side) and say: 'let's bake a bun, let's bake a bun'
- Then poke her body and face with both of your index fingers (latter gently of course) and say: 'let's add some raisins'
- Then tickle her body and face with your finger tips and say: 'let's add some sugar'
- Then stroke her face and body and say: 'let's glaze it up'
- Then back to 'let's bake a bun, let's bake a bun' - ie rolling LO's body from side to side
- Then gently push her body upwards on a mat and say: 'let's put it in the oven'
- Then take your hands off LO and say excitedly: 'And let's eat it up!!!' and make smacking sounds and kiss around LOs body
LO loves it - and chuckles in anticipation when I say 'let's eat it up'
2. Roll over game
http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/develo ... hs4thweek/ - plan 2