What food are you packing in your Hospital bag???

I packed nuts and raisins, tinned pineapple, crisps and bisquits. I had none of them during labour (too occupied) but enjoyed having them or offering them to guests after birth.

I had loads of apple juice through a straw (for some reason the straw made sense in a birthing pool). Water was welcome too, not only internally but sprayed on my face. I had one of those Evian spray bottles you get from Boots (quite expensive you can use a normal spray bottle) and I thought it was a God sent as worked well in a hot pool! Highly recommended (and sorry I know you were asking what to take in to EAT not to spray :doh: )
Steelgoddess said:
Failing the above a big fat curry :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Good plan! hehe

There is a burger van outside the hospital that makes THE best rolls with sausage, potato scone and fried onions ever!! I get one before (and sometimes after :oops: ) my weekly appointments, I can't walk past it without getting one. I have a feeling I shall be screaming at Ewan to go get me one at some point... somehow I don't think the MWs would like that though! :rotfl:

I am planning to take some sandwiches, lucozade and apples. Apples have been my lifesaver with the morning sickness and these days anything sets me off so I know I shall be doing an 'exorcist' while in the hospital so hopefully :pray: apples will help the sickness!

As for Ewan, he is on his own! :rotfl:
Sandi4Paul said:
Our hospital has a policy of no food for a women in labour once you go in, as for waht OH wants, that's his problem, i'm going to have enough on my mind.


That's harsh as a flapjack or something can be a real energy boost if you need one.
Steelgoddess said:
I was thinking:

Plain digestives
Large bottles of water
Bottle of squash (lemon)
Plain popcorn
Boiled sweeties

Unsure what else, I dont want to take anything too sugary as im worried it might make me feel ill.,..

Failing the above a big fat curry :lol:

Actually what you have planned to take is pretty much bang on :) Nothing heavy or bukly, just snacks you can nibble on for energy. I'd skip the croissants though. Might be an ask to far to try to eat one of those in labour.

FWIW when I was in first stage labour, early on, when contractions were still 10 minutes plus apart my MW told me to eat a proper meal and not start snacking then. She said the meal would give me energy for what was to come even if I didn't feel like eating it. I made it something with lots of carbs (pasta) and fairly light on the stomach.

I really could not face more than the odd mouthful of snack food during the later first stage and certainly nothing in the second stage. But that early first stage, get it down you while you can I say :lol:
I think I just had drinks and cereal bars last time. You want something light but that will give you energy.

That said I wasn't allowed to eat anything anyway once it got past a certain point :(
Thanks for all the tips Ladies, Just wanted to some advice as all I could think of was Junk ha ha

Dannii - Great to see you back, I am ok thanks still a little bored but getting used to doing nothing now which is quite bad really ha ha, how are you?

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