Hospital Bag

Hopeing for home birth but packed an odd few things just in-case, if i end up in hospital i want to be home in six hours so not really a need to pack a lot.

Luckily my OH is fine at coming home and grabbing what i need(and housework :D ) so one less thing to worry about.
Rachel.....I think you've got most things on there....I've packed 15 nappies, like you I wasn't sure if that was too much / not enough? I got some travel size toiletries from ASDA (3 for 2 I think) so got mini shampoo/ mini conditioner etc....saves packing heavier/ bulkier stuff that you won't need all of.

I have a tip for you all though from my friend who had her baby a few months ago.........she said she only took a couple of vests & sleepsuits in, and then had to send her DH to buy & wash some more ans she got through loads!!! So I have packed 10 of each to be on the safe side.

DON'T FORGET YOUR CAMERA (put fresh batteries in now so you don't forget!)

In addition to whats been mentioned I have also packed:
Towel for me
CDs to listen to in labour room

In fact I'll see if I can find the link that I took my bag list from (thanks to Kirlykird :hug: )
Yeah i was gonna say too, maybe need more than 2 babygros and vests! Nappy could leak, baby could be sick, spilled milk etc etc lotsa mess lol!
Plus maybe exchange the baby wipes for cotton wool, chemicals in wipes can be too much for babys fresh bum, cotton wool and water are usually the only thing used for bum wiping in the first couple of days..
I was scolded for bringing in wipes for jaycee, and they got the hump every time i asked for cotton wool as i didnt have any :(
I was thinking of getting one of those wheely ones too :think: I gotta get my ass in gear!!
I have not started yet :shock:

I got as far as looking up on top of the wardrobe and seeing B's big leeds Utd sports bag and my small addidas bag and said to my self, i'll pack the leeds bag with my stuff and adids bag for baby and then I went and watched TV :rotfl:

Oh I did make an effort and went to an asda in Leeds last week that did maternity and I got 2 nighties for £8 one buttons all the way down and one half way so there cool and can just be binned if they get messed up, I also got 2 packs of ''big'' nickers, they were only £2.50 for 5 pairs which was only 50p more than the paper ones in mothercare so I figured Id get them as again can just bin then if/when they get messed up!

Apart from that - I have got no where - I really need to pull my finger out and realise I have less than 4 weeks till due date lol - most importants things to do though, charge IPOD and update tunes, Charge nintendo DS, Charge Camera, and get DVDs in laptop bag as im gonna take laptop so we can watch DVDs to pass the time if Im in labour for like 12 hours or something lol
that's what I've done too, was so useful having it on the ward the other night.

I have a USB ipod charger too so take one with you then you can charge up your ipod through your laptop too :D
I am confused about my bag now.

When we went to parent craft they said they were now getting first time mom's out in 6 hours unless you need to stay and there are people coming out to your home to help with breast feeding and bathing etc. but my m/w told me something different two weeks earlier and now with my anti bodes in my blood not sure when they will let us home anyway.

so I don't know what to do

having my toilettries packed helped with my overnight addmission as i could just tell A to bring my toilettry bag rather than relying on him to follow a list or think what a woman needs.

I read that all newborns now get free nappies when birthed in hospital, and so might be worth asking your MW as I read if you don't ask you don't get, its a bit of money saved and less to pack if its done at the hospital you attend :)

As for staying in hospital cloud9, I think you should discuss it with your MW and tell her your concerns, as far as I was aware from friends and family, as long as Mum and Baby are well, and it isn't late evening, you can leave the same day, no need to stay in hospital, though I guess that depends on what Mum wants :)
Cloud - I got told the same......but I have packed a bag which is all the stuff I will need during labour, and after having a shower etc, if I have to stay over I have just packed an extra nightie.

Have packed a bag with lots of vests & suits for Libby in case we have to stay over or she messes up the first lot etc. I think you should def pack a bag though as if you'll be staying over for one night, better to have it and not need it than send the men home to collect stuff (as we know they'll get the wrong stuff & they'll be in enough trouble for the pain they've put us through in labour :lol: )
Very true emmy! I plan on having overnight stuff too, even though i dont really want to stay in there. I stayed for 2 days with Jaycee only because the hostel i was staying in arent allowed babies under 2 days old (not sure why), so even tho there wasnt anything medically keeping me there i was able to stay there and get the bf advice etc and rest i needed without feeling unwelcome etc. :D
kirlykird said:
I packed mine a few weeks back too.

Think we had a blitz at the same time :rotfl:

here is the link we used, don't think it's possible to forget anything if you use this extended one! :rotfl: ... AGE&page=3
Wicked, *PRINT* :)
I wrote out a list last night and it had the majority of the stuff on there, its goot to be told what to take rather than having pg brain think of it! :lol:
Hi, i packed my bag with my little boy at 36 weeks.The hospital i was in supplied cotton wool and nappies although i had packed loads. Also i'd still pack a few of everthing even if you want to be home as soon as poss as Mark went to SCBU for 24 hours and we ended up being in for 3 days.
I think ill wait a week or two then.. dont want to be ahead of myself.
Plus it will give me a 'goal' lol and something to do when im bored later on lol!
I always add Anti-Bacterial Wipes to my bag. Although most mums leave the toilets clean, it can be a messy business and as we are sometimes "open to infection" I much prefer to know that the loo is clean before I use it.

I also took in the water measuring container from my iron - OK OK Ive not gone mad. :x I put warm water in it when i need the loo and pour it when I pee to dilute it if you get my drift - obviously when your a bit sore or have had stitches it stops you from peeling yourself of the loo ceiling :rotfl:
JustJen said:
I always add Anti-Bacterial Wipes to my bag. Although most mums leave the toilets clean, it can be a messy business and as we are sometimes "open to infection" I much prefer to know that the loo is clean before I use it.

I also took in the water measuring container from my iron - OK OK Ive not gone mad. :x I put warm water in it when i need the loo and pour it when I pee to dilute it if you get my drift - obviously when your a bit sore or have had stitches it stops you from peeling yourself of the loo ceiling :rotfl:

VERY good ideas!!! VERY GOOD!! :clap: :clap: To think i almost forgot how much peeing stings!! :shock: Plus anti bac wipes are a must have now theres so many diseases in hospitals now :(
Thanks for your ideas hun!
Oooh fab advice JustJen, will be packing both of those into my bag!! :cheer:

Got this from a site I use to follow LO's development, thought it might include extra things, and my cousin keeps telling me how your feet can get cold, so fluffy warm socks, maybe with grips? :hug:

• Your birth plan

• Dressing gown -- useful if you end up pacing hospital corridors in early labour

• Slippers

• Socks -- believe it or not, your feet can get cold during labour

• An old nightdress or a T shirt to wear in labour. It might get a bit messy, so don't buy anything specially to wear in hospital.

• Massage oil or lotion if you would like to be massaged during your labour

• Lip balm

• Snacks and drinks for you while you are in labour, or some glucose tablets to keep you going

• Watch with a second hand, to time contractions

• Camera or camcorder. If you want to bring a camcorder, check with the hospital beforehand -- not all of them allow them in delivery rooms.

• Relaxation materials: books, magazines, games, music

• Pictures of someone or something you love (the inspiration you may need to see you through to the end)

• TENS pain relief machine if you are planning to use one

• Toiletries

• Water spray, or a hand-held fan to keep you cool

• Music to listen to -- take a battery-operated machine as most hospitals won't let you plug things in. Some hospitals provide their own CD players -- again, check first.

• A change of clothes

• Snacks and drinks -- you don't want a dehydrated, hungry birth partner looking after you!

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