What do you think of these wallpapers?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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i really like them but OH says they are too 'arty' and more for me than the baby..is he right? honest opinions? he said he wants big bold colours with jungle animals etc for the baby.

btw wallpaper will cover just one feature wall with probably plain light blue elsewhere.

My fave is the one with the ducks. they are all designed by Quentin Blake who drew for the Roald Dahl books if you are wondering why they look familiar xx


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thanks cosmic, it annoys me that he is so against them! the duck one is sooo cute! xx
I really like theduck ones too. After all the baby cant choose now so you have to. Decorating the room is about the parents at this stage:roll:
Yes I love the ducks too! I was gonna say i'd recognise that illustration anywhere! To be honest hun you may as well go with what you like cos bubs is not gonna have a clue about it til he is older - then he can ask for spiderman or power rangers or whatever the rage is as that time :lol:
Plus, if you are only having it for a feature wall it's good to have a blank wall in case you decide to have a projector thing in the nursery? My friend has a 6 week old and swears by this winnie the pooh projector mobile thing that she was bought that sends baby to sleep like a dream cos he's staring at the patterns on the BLANK wall ;) x
good tip princess. thanks, i agree, it kind of is about the parents at this stage, he won't have a clue about what he's looking at will he?

hmm, not sure he's going to be convinced though :(
:( why do men have to complicate things?
Our nursery is decorated as a spare room and is staying that way - the wallpaper was frigging expensive and has only been up for a year so it's staying there til baby is at least 3!! :blush: it's only a feature wall but I love it.... so there :lol: luckily o/h agrees ;)
ARRRRRRRRRGHHH, id have to have the winnie the pooh one, OH cant stand the silly old bear but i love him, if i get my way there will be a mural painted by me in babbys room lol
i like ur oh's idea! big bright bold colours b gorg! :lol: xx
I love the duck one too pos.

It will be good for when he/she is older & pointing things out, the ducks are easily recognisable, whereas the others maybe aren't.

Good idea on the feature wall, thats what we've done in our living room & alot of people are doing it.

Wall art is quite nice too, its a massive sticker you put on one wall, really unique, quite pricey though at around £50 but the stickers take up the whole wall.

littlemiss i've been thinking about the wall art that you stick on. can you recommend any sites?

we have a feature wall in our living room too, its bright purple!!! xx
lol i got a feature in my living room, one day o got bored and painted a dragon on one wall...
i like the numbers in a way and that way if its just one wall u paper? then he or she can learn to count when they a bit older e.g 1,2,3 yers u wont have to change it for a while then :)

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