What do you think about marriage?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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I was thinking about this today-I was reading Toxic Childhood,by Sue Palmer (which is a fantastic book btw-would really recommend it) and it was saying about the effect divorce can have on kids etc.. but I was thinking,the divorce statistics are so high...i'd be too nervous to get married,plus I don't think it's my thing.Maybe some quiet little ceremony when I'm about 35 :lol: I've heard so many stories of people who have had a great realtionship,then after like 25 years have gotten divorced.I would never enter a r/ship thinking "Right, we're breaking up in two years time!" but I don't know..you can never really tell what's going to happen....I don't really see the need for marriage..i take it I will eventually when i get older :think: What does everyone else think?
I've been married and currently getting divorced but that wouldn't put me off getting married again, not for a long time obviously but I think I would like to to make our family complete.

My marriage didn't work out for a few reasons but mainly because our lives changed so much over such short space of time we became different people. We grew but just not together. It is sad it didn't work but nothing in life is guarenteed. I think it's a beautiful commitment that two people can make to each other. But its up to each person isn't it :D
I think getting married in a church in the eyes of god is hypocritical if you aren't religious. I think belonging to someone is old fashioned and out of date. I think people say their vow's and then break them anyway. I think marriage is no longer expected as a natural progression in a relationship and children born out of wedlock are no longer frowned upon. I think a happy couple in a loving trusting relationship don't need marriage.

The only reason I would get married is so me and Isaac have the same name but then how important is that? :think:
lou said:
I think getting married in a church in the eyes of god is hypocritical if you aren't religious. I think belonging to someone is old fashioned and out of date. I think people say their vow's and then break them anyway. I think marriage is no longer expected as a natural progression in a relationship and children born out of wedlock are no longer frowned upon. I think a happy couple in a loving trusting relationship don't need marriage.

The only reason I would get married is so me and Isaac have the same name but then how important is that? :think:

That's exactly the way i see it. I'm a staunch atheist,and there's no way i'm ever belonging to anybody,so what gives?
Not really my thing, and hasnt been since i was alot younger. Mind you i dont even want a relationship anymore nevermind marriage :lol:

Ill admit that i have thought about it a few times though, dunno why cos ive always said i wouldnt, but it has went through my head. Im not religious in any way, shape or form either.

Ive known alot of happy couples too, who have gotten married after years of being with each other - then split up shortly after lol
zebrastripes said:
lou said:
I think getting married in a church in the eyes of god is hypocritical if you aren't religious. I think belonging to someone is old fashioned and out of date. I think people say their vow's and then break them anyway. I think marriage is no longer expected as a natural progression in a relationship and children born out of wedlock are no longer frowned upon. I think a happy couple in a loving trusting relationship don't need marriage.

The only reason I would get married is so me and Isaac have the same name but then how important is that? :think:

That's exactly the way i see it. I'm a staunch atheist,and there's no way i'm ever belonging to anybody,so what gives?

I don't really think of myself as atheist since I discovered humanism but I still don't think I would even have a humanist ceremony. I suppose if as a child you always dreamed of the whole white dress walking down the aisle thing like a princess then any ceremony would be a dream come true but I've never wanted any of that.
midna said:
lou said:
The only reason I would get married is so me and Isaac have the same name but then how important is that? :think:

Think the after party is far more important :D

I must admit I am always up for a bit of 'come on eileen' and a bit of quiche on a paper plate :wink:
I got married because I wanted children and I'm very old fashioned. Also obviously because I love Robin and know we will spend the rest of our lives together. We got married in a church because it felt the 'right' thing to do. I also christen my children because it feels 'right' to me to do so.

I don't consider myself to be very religious, I go to church occaisionally and our vicar often pops round for coffee. This is because we are friends, we never talk about God or anything :lol:

I know others will think I'm hypocritical...but I choose how to live my life. I don't judge others who do things differently.
personally i cant wait to get married to my OH. I just want to share his name and be a family iykwim...im not saying your not a fmaily if you dont get married though. Id just love to be able to say im L's wife etc.
Forgot to add...we have discussed it and would both prefer it being in like a hotel or the sorts...have the wedding and reception all in one place....more drinking time lol
I believe in marriage for me but each to their own opinion :)

As you say people who get married get divorced but people in relationships split up too... I'm glad I made the choice to get married :D

If you had of asked me this when I was a teenager many many moons ago, you wouldn't have received this opinion :rotfl: :rotfl:
me and my husband have been togeather nearly 23 years and have been married 5 months, it has only been the last year that i have been bothered but suddenly felt the need for the security of being Mrs, i know that doesnt make sence to anyone but it does to me :oops:
I don't really have strong feelings about marriage one way or the other. I don't think it's important to be married in this day and age. Being married is no guarantee that the relationship will work or make you any more likely to stay together.
I think me and OH will get married at some point cos it would be nice to have the same name as OH and my sons, and have that final tie, but I don't see the point in spending loads of money doing it.
I think it's nuts how some people take out loans for a huge wedding and then start off their marriage with the stress of being in debt.
I've been married (in fact I still am in the eyes if the law :shock: ) but when I get divorced I won't be in a rush to get married again.

I love my OH but a ceremony and a certificate to say we are married won't change anything.
I honestly don't think I would get married again and if i did nobody would know i'd just go away some where with OH and the kids and do it.

I think i'm cynical about marriage now anyway after being married and it not working out.
im married and have been for nearly a near now and im only 22 :)
i really wanted to get married before having kids it was just important to me, none of my friends are married or even close
we got married very quickly after meeting as we new it would be forever it cost us just under 300pouns and that included buying my dress and his suit it was a lovely day and ive never looked back
i think it makes me work harder at the relasionship aswell as a marrage in my eyes isnt something that should be giving up on easily :)
manda xx
manda224 said:
i think it makes me work harder at the relasionship aswell as a marrage in my eyes isnt something that should be giving up on easily :)

i agree totally hun
love to get married want to get married :pray:
in my dream :sleep: i am married
:( :rotfl:
When you are not married at least you are together because you want to be not because you have to be. I mean being joined to someone by law, seem's odd if you really think about it :think:
I was against marriage...especially after a whirlwind rebound romance resulted in a wedding just 6 weeks later and we split up just a few weeks after getting married :oops: :oops: :oops: Still waiting for the divorce and that was 8 years ago :oops: :oops: :oops:

It put me off for a long time.

In the generations before us, it was married by 25 or be considered a bachelor/old maid and it was socially expected. Not only that, but divorce was the absolute last straw and once you were married you were expected to stick with it no matter what. I'm glad things have changed in that respect.

Saying all that though, as soon as I met my OH I knew we would spend the rest of our lives together, and I cant wait to be his wife! I think for me, it has nothing to do with religion or law, but purely because I want to show that commitment to him. I want the world to know that we are together for the long haul and nothing will come between us. I want him to know that when I say my vows I will mean every word and live every day by them. I want to marry him because I will never leave him, and I dunno....I just want to marry him dagnammit! :lol:

We wont be getting married in any religious way...theres a pretty cool medieval fairytale style castle just up the road from us and it would be cool to get married there...but we have also talked about getting married in vegas. We're not bothered about a big do, infact it would be ideal to just be us and a few close friends. Its about the marriage not the wedding :)
Marriage!!! Been there, done it, haven't got the divorce yet :x I am afraid that at the moment I have very very mixed feelings on it.

I was married for nearly 10 years to complete waste of space and because of this it has kind of put me off. Me and OH are really happy just living together and I am in no rush to get remarried. If however OH wanted to when my divorce comes through, I would definately consider it for him. Right now though my feelings on marriage are that I don't need a piece of paper to be commited to him or to feel more secure in our relationship, I do anyway.

I sometimes get quite wound up by girls who go on and on dreaming of this magical day etc, to me it's really not about the day, it's about the life afterwards!

I guess I just had a very bad experience.
zebrastripes said:
That's exactly the way i see it. I'm a staunch atheist,and there's no way i'm ever belonging to anybody,so what gives?

You sound like me 20 years ago :lol:

TBH with all the best intentions in the world a relationship can fall apart, married or not. I think in this day and age marriage is almost a disposable commodity and people marrying in front of God when they don't really actual follow the faith is hypocritical. I think people with a genuine belief might be more inclined to attempt to make a marriage work. But it has to be there on both sides.

Divorce is almost too easy and it often strikes me that people decide to call it quits before really attempting to see if things can be repaired. Of course there are some cases where a marriage or partnership has broken down beyond all repair, but I think its down to compatibility and peoples ability to talk about any issues and problems rather than letting them simmer and build up. People can grow apart, but you also have to see it as people can continue to grow together, even if they retain their independance within the marriage. Its not about becoming a Stepford wife. Too often the expectations after a wedding are Mr & Mrs so and so and people have spent so long focusing on planning a big wedding or some such they have lost sight of the relationship. For me its about working at getting the basics right for the rest to be able to fall in to place.

Times have changed and what would have been frowned upon 30 years ago is now accepted that no one really bats an eyelid. Its a shame. Of course people should not stay together simply for their children, but I do feel that once children are involved, both parents have a responsibility to do the best by their kids.

Alas in todays society we have busy lifestyles, long working hours and less quality family time. We are more spread out from our own families, don't have the support network and women are more equal to men nowadays in the workplace and so on. All those factors and more I feel have contrubuted to the soaring divorce rates. And once a generation has grown up with it, it becomes something they see as normal and the pattern continues.

I never used to think I'd marry. But over the years as I gained life experience, did my own thing, went overseas and lived for myself I began to feel more accepting of the possibility of marriage one day. I think had I married in my 20's it would have not worked out as I had things I wanted to do. My life to live before I started living it with someone else. Same with having children. I felt I wanted my life first. Before having the responsibility of bringing someone else into it. To be able to have an understanding of what I had done and experienced to pass on to my kids. Rather than feeling like I had finished education, got a job, met the man, married him and had kids and then turned round at 30 and asked 'Is this it?' I've never asked that as I had 15 or so years on my terms and my terms alone before meeting a man I felt comfortable with and could see myself growing with. A man I felt would make a good father and partner in life. I could have married a few men before that, but looking back realise it would never have worked in the long term with them. From both sides it would have failed badly at some point.

Where I am now, where my husband is, we are on the same page. We work at trying to remain that way. We don't assume it'll always be ok, but we appreciate our commitment and hence why we were so low key with our wedding. We didn't want to lose sight of us so kept it very small. That we simply got on as we had been before and nothing really changed for us. No 'married life' expectations, no practising my new surname signature, no sense of having to become another person for someone. We remained ourselves and have done so ever since. I didn't take his surname nor do we wear wedding rings. We are husband and wife, but most people simply have no idea of this when they see us in person. It was really important to me I kept my own sense of identity and my husband was supporting and understanding of this.

I think its about finding what you are comfortable with and having the support of your partner in doing so. Some women want to be Mr & Mrs so and so, to be a wife, to embrace the whole thing. Sometimes they lose sight of themselves maybe? Maybe things falter as expectations have changed. I look at it from the other side. I value my independance, my experiences and what I bring to my relationship with my husband. But I am not his property nor is he mine.

The other thing is the pressures on couples today. People want their own home, there are struggles to pay the bills, run the cars and so on. It becomes about money and can cause no end of problems. Its almost the case of trying to have it all and when it doesn't happen, for whatever reason the cracks appear. Again my way of approaching it is to lower my expectations, to build on things and take time. Of course past generations had similar problems, but things were not as fast moving and high tech and disposable as they are now.

I don't know, chances are many will disagree with lots I have said. Its my POV after 37 years of living this way. I had a wonderful childhood, brought up by a single mother after my father left when I was a baby. I spent most of my 20's overseas living my life and had the greatest time. I was able to live on my own terms. My 30's have been happy as I had experienced pretty much most of the things I had wanted and meeting my husband and feeling totally comfortable in myself, my capabilities and what I could bring to a relationship. Its a partnership and it has its ups and downs but we worked at the foundations and built from there over the course of five years. We decided we were ready for a child, discussed long and hard our options and what we hoped and again are on the same page with things. And we work at keeping it that way.

Erm yes, too much typing again :roll:

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